why do i like the smell of my armpits

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Smelly armpits may make you self-conscious, even though this is a problem most people have dealt with before. Perfumers add it to flowery fragrances, but […] Eliminate that lingering underarm odor using these two methods: 1. If you want to be "odor-free" consider the following tips: I've tried going without deodorant because they itch less without it, but I feel like I stink so I don't do it often. Because propionic acid is chemically similar to acetic acid with similar characteristics including odor, body odors may be identified as having a vinegar- like smell by certain people. When you have apocrine bromhidrosis, body odor is the byproduct of lipid-rich apocrine gland sweat mixing with skin bacteria. Smelly armpits. Celery was an interesting 3rd place. I noticed "why do my armpits smell like cat pee" was listed first in the google drop down. Also, applying too much deodorant can block the underarm area that you are trying to clean.I will explain further the role that hair plays in your ability to clean your armpits. That's why we're constantly stayin' fresh with gum, perfumes, and deodorant. 09/16/06 07:01 PM. Click to see full answer Also know, why do my armpits smell like grapefruit? It turns out there's a scientific reason why "onion" pops up as a descriptor. Taking regular showers or baths helps resolve underarm odor and sweat. Bathe regularly and well. I don't like it when my partner uses deodorant . Your environment, the things you eat, medications you take, shifts in hormone levels, or underlying disorders may all be behind a sudden change in body odor. The armpits-still-smell problem may have nothing to do with 'deodorant' at all. Sniffing a girl's armpit and feet for me is like smelling a beautiful flower in the garden. An antibacterial soap. When these two ingredients come together, they produce thioalcohols — compounds that smell like sulfur, onions or raw meat. Agree with PP that it is something to do with pheromones. Causes. Sweat. Love Stinks! Why do I like the smell of my husbands armpits? Bacteria Love Polyester In A Special Way. Armpit Rash Armpits Smell. It's like how bees are attracted to flowers. Why do my hands smell like onions after washing them? Love Stinks! 5 These glands are located in areas where you grow the most hair, like your armpits and groin, and they secrete sweat containing 20% fat. Because moisture is actually something that really helps bacteria grow and thrive.". Why do my armpits stink all of a sudden? Commonly known as body odor (BO) and technically as bromhidrosis, malodorous armpits . If you want to be "odor-free" consider the following tips: I get my thryoid removed this month so I am looking forward to seeing if I smell better but the brain fog, weight gain, and other issues I've heard come with not having . You can apply the solution directly onto a cotton ball and rub it into each underarm area after you shower. This causes male armpits to give off of a rancid/cheese-like smell whereas female armpits give off a more fruity/onion-like smell. I feel like I've smelled worse than normal during my pregnancy but everyone keeps telling me it's just my increased sense of smell. Well, Vomit. The benefits of applying aloe vera to your armpit skin are that it is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Answer (1 of 5): I believe, Yes. 6y. … Butyric acid is also found in rancid butter, parmesan cheese and, sorry, vomit.. Why does Hershey's smell like poop? Why the smell of a man's armpit is a turn-on. Maybe hopeless_future should get together with your roomie, hippieatheart. Smelly armpits typically aren't cause for concern . Many people experience smelly armpits from time to time. However, some kitties will nuzzle your armpit when it wants to tell you that you stink. My armpits turned really dark and I take long s … read more Why do my armpits smell like onions even with deodorant? Get the Realities . is from Mars while women's is from Venus. I smell like straight curry, BO and my armpits are seriously seriously kicking. When you feel stressed, your body produces more sweat from the apocrine glands. As far as I know, no one can smell this but me. Bathe regularly and well. Body odor is one of those things most of us take great pains to prevent. Bacteria Love Polyester In A Special Way. Smell. Acting as a natural sterilizer, witch hazel can help get rid of bad armpit smell that makes you embarrassed. Basically, your cat might think your armpit smells kind of tasty. YANBU at all. Smelly Armpits Even With Deodorant? Fatty acids and ammonia are the major products of bacterial breakdown and the odour have been described as pungent, rancid, musty or "sour and . The reason why the hair under the armpit contributes towards smelly armpit is because it traps sweat in the armpit, giving the bacteria more sweat to ingest and break down and produce offensive odors. Why do Hershey kisses taste like vomit? If you are right-handed like most of the world, you will use that arm more and produce sweat that leads to molecules that release Organosulfur compounds called Thioalcohols which contain pungent odor. This is important because sweat builds up if not washed away, and causes stickiness to increase. When you have apocrine bromhidrosis, body odor is the byproduct of lipid-rich apocrine gland sweat mixing with skin bacteria. Your cat might like the smell of your armpits. I like the smell of my own odors: armpit, fart, sweat between my legs,… I have also noticed that many people smell their fingers, or oily skin odor around the nose, ears, etc. Most body odor comes from these. Witch Hazel. If you are right-handed like most of the world, you will use that arm more and produce sweat that leads to molecules that release Organosulfur compounds called Thioalcohols which contain pungent odor. Our armpits have apocrine sweat glands, which produce the really pungent sweat that tends to be secreted in that area. Armpit smell is a noteworthy turn-off. "We have all these little hair follicles in the armpit, and when people shave, there are lots of little portals of entry for potentially problematic bacteria to enter and cause what looks like . Re: Smelly armpits (like cat pee on clothes) There is a condition that can create this. Apply Aloe vera gel. I feel like I am holding two naked women, one under each arm. Here are all the possible reasons for your cat to lick your armpits: 1. A pimple-like or pus-filled spot in your underarm can often be an odor culprit, especially if you notice that just one armpit smells even after a shower. Most of the apocrine glands in the skin are located in the groin, armpits, and around the nipples.. Beside this, how do I stop my armpits from smelling? Armpit onion smell comes from bacteria eating your sweat. For what reason Do My Armpits Smell Bad Even After A Shower ? When these two ingredients come together, they produce thioalcohols — compounds that smell like sulfur, onions or raw meat. Why do my armpits smell like onions even with deodorant? Moderation is key! 2. Why do I like the smell of my girlfriends armpit? My friend has it, Porphyria . You might be due for a shower or a change of clothes. Yeah, I do use deodorant obviously. Changes in body odor can be a normal part of development, such as when an adolescent is going through puberty. This is important because sweat builds up if not washed away, and causes stickiness to increase. Apparently, Smelling His Armpits Can Increase Sexual Attraction. Anxiety, Depression, or Stress. Expensive aftershave, hair gel, and deodorant are all part of the armoury of the modern-day man. All you need to do is to wipe your underarms with witch hazel . Apocrine glands, or the glands that create the specialized armpit sweat, produce a unique scent that is difficult to detect consciously, but is nonetheless important in sexual foreplay. Apocrine glands, or the glands that create the specialized armpit sweat, produce a unique scent that is difficult to detect consciously, but is nonetheless important in sexual foreplay. Get the Realities . Most of the apocrine glands in the skin are located in the groin, armpits, and around the nipples.. Beside this, how do I stop my armpits from smelling? The natural body smell is a powerful force in sexual attraction, and can be focused by the strong pungent odor of the armpit: Alex Comfort considered that for a woman to shave her armpits was "simply ignorant vandalism", obliterating a powerful sexual tool, and praised the French for greater sexual awareness than American deodorant culture in this regard. Question. Nathan Thompson, a journalist with Vice , has experienced the phenomenon for himself and decided to conduct a scientific inquiry. Apparently, Smelling His Armpits Can Increase Sexual Attraction. You need to address the root cause and actually do something about it. Why do my armpits feel sticky after i shower. Body odor is caused by bacteria breaking down sweat and is largely linked to the apocrine glands. Tea tree oil can be applied directly to your armpits. (I have all three in my bag right now.) When I switch back to fresh fruits, veggies, water with lemon juice, and a swig of liquid chlorophyll every morning, the smell gets better then eventually . There's plenty you can do to avoid sweaty, stinky armpits, but first, know that both are totally normal (in most cases—more on that below). It's not actually uncommon for younger kids to have armpit smells. With the weather getting hotter now My odor is really bad and no matter what I do i smell really bad, and I think I made it worse by messing up my pits. The scent can be embarrassing, frustrating, sometimes even nerve-wracking. The reason why the hair under the armpit contributes towards smelly armpit is because it traps sweat in the armpit, giving the bacteria more sweat to ingest and break down and produce offensive odors. Body odor can vary from person to person, though, and some people tend to have more onion-y sweat than other people. Apocrine glands, or the glands that create the specialized armpit sweat, produce a unique scent that is difficult to detect consciously, but is nonetheless important in sexual foreplay. This blog will list down the reasons why your sweat may smell like ammonia and how you can get rid of smelly sweat. Re: metallic smell in my underarm persperation. Because propionic acid is chemically similar to acetic acid with similar characteristics including odor, body odors may be identified as having a vinegar- like smell by certain people. sometimes my roommates armpits smell like paint, it's fuckin weird hippieatheart, Jan 6, 2008 #5. I've tried mutiple different deodorants and antiperspirants, none which have seemed to work. I love to snuggle under my husbands arm pits and sniff them. Why Garlic Makes Your Breath Smell Bad Bonus Fact: A third type of sweat gland, called apoeccrine, has been suggested by some scientists, although a 2007 study that examined axillary (armpit) skin failed to find evidence of it " either by histology or by immunofluorescence ." It has something to do with your metabolism. But most of the time, sweat, the necessary bodily function stopping your body from overheating, is responsible for smelly armpits. This smell is due to bacteria, sweat, and hormone changes. You'll be confused. If I have even one junk food (candy, ice cream, chips, soft drinks, etc.) It's driving me insane!!! Particuarly the ones that you can put on different levels like walking up hill. Cats like the smell of your sweat because of these fats and proteins. pinterest-pin-it. In today's article, we're going to discuss about Smelly Armpits and its Causes… the sharp scent floating from your armpits are prompt notices of the rising mercury levels. Causes of odor in sweat. Body odor is caused by bacteria breaking down sweat and is largely linked to the apocrine glands. "They're very very pungent," says Bawdon. Stress and anxiety can contribute to body odor. Kinky Ramona Back by popular demand! Diet If your sweat smells like ammonia, one possible reason can be your diet. Often there is an unknown reason for sticky armpits. But, when it comes to getting the girl, he might be . Interestingly enough, armpit odors ranged from "sulfury-cat urine" to "acid-spicy," "foot" (moldy) and "fresh onion." Bottom line: If your armpits smell like onions, you just happen to have that type of bacteria that gives you that odor. Kinky . And I have thought about this for some years, now. My son seems to have developed very smelly armpits, even after having a shower at night and a wash in the mornings. The bacteria convert these . Your sweat glands produce a bit of moisture when you are active, and this is why you occasionally get a strong smell of sweat coming from under your arms. Truth is, when my pitsget ripe they smell like an Italian sandwich. It smelled exactly like pus. Your armpits can smell even after a shower if you do not adequately wash using soap and water and if you have excessive underarm hair that traps in bacteria and sweat. Apparently, Smelling His Armpits Can Increase Sexual Attraction. Switch to a more natural product and make the changes to your diet and grooming routine instead. Any antioxidants will help - vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium (selenomethione form is best) etc. I really like the natural body odor of my partners armpits. "If you smell something that you relate to being delicious, this triggers the same area of the brain that activates our salivary glands." Hence your mouth watering when you feel like your . Each underarm has its own unique smell. My Armpits Smell Like Onions | How do I Get Rid of the Onion Smelling Armpits Naturally and Permanently. Here's what you need to know… Man or woman, just masking armpit odor with deodorant just won't cut it. The armpit is an area where the lymph nodes are , so an inflammation of the . When the bacteria break down the sweat they form products called thioalcohols, which have scents comparable to sulfur, onions or meat. I mean it's just we portray girls as being perfect and smelling like roses so that when you smell their armpits and hot feet, it takes you pleasantly by surprise. Armpit smell is a noteworthy turn-off. My Armpits Smell Like Onions … Armpits smelling like onions or like cheese (as for the men) isn't a thing we should joke with but, many still find it difficult to realize why sometimes they have the smell of onions coming from the armpit area… When dogs sniff around your armpit or nether region, they're just looking for information and communicating in their own, unique way. My armpits have been SSSOOOOO itchy my whole pregnancy! [It's] really going to wick away the moisture and absorb it. As a result, armpit sweat is full of fats and proteins that cats are attracted to. Some foods just do not agree with some people's body chemistry. He is one of those rare lucky ones who don't get smelly BO, so he jut smells of lovely man! You can't just attempt to cover up body odor and call it good. As far as natural body odors go, scientists have found repeatedly that the less a person smells like you, the more attractive—or rather, the less repulsive—you find their armpit aromas. Why do my hands smell like onions after washing them? If you prefer to use it in a more compact form, try using an antibacterial soap. Directly onto a cotton ball. "Why do my armpits smell of cannabis?" Although it may seem ridiculous, this is a recurrent question on discussion forums. Seriously, put an Italian sandwich next to my smelly armpits, close your eyes and take a whiff. This causes male armpits to give off of a rancid/cheese-like smell whereas female armpits give off a more fruity/onion-like smell. Is advisable to shave your armpit very often if you prefer to use it a. Rid of smelly sweat have no use for this super-ability and hormone changes with skin bacteria underarm area after Shower... Moisturizing effects Shower at night and a wash in the pheremone & # x27 ; t like my armpit like... Agree with PP that it is something to do is to wipe your underarms with witch hazel can help rid... My cat Sniff my armpits smell like onions lingering underarm odor about three right... 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