luke 23:27 31 explanation

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27 And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him. 6 People who were ill. Luke shows how Jesus, through the power of God, *healed people who were ill. Those who believe God, instead of being fettered to the traditions of a school, good or bad, must open their mouth wide for Him to fill with His good things old and new. He must have been weak from the brutal flogging, and when it appeared he was about to collapse, a passer-by was forced to carry it for him. There remained the great outer robe. Three Standards (Luke 6:31-38) 1. Such was his habit. God has shown that His name is, as ever, a stumbling-stone for unbelief; but for the simple and spiritual a sure foundation, and most precious. Not even Pilate could slaughter men in cold blood like that, and he had to yield. He tried to persuade the Jews to receive Jesus as the prisoner granted release at Passover time ( Mark 15:6). They "were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God;" but they were associated in life and love with One whose glory was far above them or any conceivable precincts of the earth, and were soon to be made one with Him, and to be the vessels of His power by the energy of the Holy Ghost, who would make this evident in due time. Luke 18:15-42.18.17). You say, "It's just your own problem if your own religious superstitions don't come to the Roman court with that." The power that belongs to and comes out from God is but a small thing, in comparison with the knowledge of God Himself. He was made known unto them in the breaking of bread in that most simple but striking action which symbolises His death. The context of the verse mentioned is in Luke chapter 23 where Jesus is facing His soon crucifixion. Absolute grace begins, therefore, with the spot which needed it most, and Jerusalem is expressly named. Hence it would seem to give an open contradiction to those that deny the reality of the resurrection body, and of its proper affections. The third time he said to them, "Why? Christ's persecutors resolve to lose no time, for fear lest his friends at the other end of the town should get notice of what they were doing, and should rise to rescue him. They are not absolutely dependent on the resurrection. So there was. 1. Oh, what a simple prayer! Found inside – Page 58431 For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” 32 Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed. Context Jesus is now led from the presence of Pilate to the place of ... He gives them a general direction concerning their lamentations: Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me. It was the last act of communion of Christ with them. The fate of the guilty predicted 23:27-31. Two men in shining array stood by these perplexed saints. How perfect it all is! Next we see Judas, who approaches and kisses Christ: the Lord of glory is betrayed by the apostle. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.'" An awful moral contrast rises before the spirit of the Saviour. He does not look at the devil, or Jews, or Gentiles. KJV Luke 23:11 And Herod with his men of war set him at nought, and mocked him, and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate. The Lord grant that even these our studies of the Gospels, which have been necessarily curt and cursory, may nevertheless give an impulse not only to younger saints, but to those who may be ever so old; for assuredly there is no one, whatever may be his maturity, who will not be all the better for a fuller acquaintance with Him who is from the beginning. "Are you not the anointed one?" So in the Roman church there was Rufus, so choice a Christian that he could be called one of God's chosen ones, with a mother so dear to Paul that he could call her his mother in the faith. He takes that place as man. To Herod, he was simply a spectacle. It was a real work within: it was not merely a work ever so perfectly done outside. Why did he believe there was nothing to be said to Herod? "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." After Jesus - Probably to bear one end of the cross. Before that day of His appearing there might be a premature "Lo here! Jesus was feeble and unable to bear it alone, and they compelled Simon to help him. But, in truth it is impossible to go on with God aright, until the personal question is settled by divine grace. And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS ( Luke 23:35-42.23.38 ). The young man's reaction illustrates the attachment the rich have to their wealth and to the . Though one would think he should be wholly taken up with his own concern, yet he found time and heart to take cognizance of their tears. Nor is this out of keeping with the tenor of Luke's Gospel, as, indeed, it is only here that we have the story at all. "Glory in the highest" is the result, not the introduction; and instead of "peace on earth," (which will, no doubt, be the fruit by and by, as it is according to God's mind, the anticipation from the beginning,) the disciples meanwhile and most appropriately, sing, "Peace in heaven." Pilate said to the chief priests and to the crowds, "I find nothing to condemn in this man." You know, people put on chicken suits and do all kinds of weird things. Real faith which God gives is never so far wrong: and he who, instead of going on to the priest, recognizes in Jesus the power and goodness of God upon earth, (the instincts of that very faith that was of God working in his heart and carrying him back to the source of the blessing,) he, I say, was the only one of the ten who was in the spirit, not only of the blessing but of Him who gave the blessing. and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour ( Luke 23:44 ). And they would say, "Oh, she's cursed; she can't bear children." But the other thief turned to him, and he said, Don't you fear God, seeing that you're in the same condemnation? (Verses Luke 22:24-42.22.27.). We find them afterwards using miracles; but it was for others. So two women at the mill; for here we have not to do with human judgments. They would wish to be buried alive: They shall begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us, and to the hills, Cover us,Luke 23:30; Luke 23:30. (Ver. God will have nothing else than total surrender. he said. 3 minute read. And somehow, by God, he knew that though this Man was dying, He was yet to come into His kingdom. He urged them to mourn their own fate and the fate of their children more than His. And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus ( Luke 23:24-42.23.26 ). For these men are not drunken as you suppose. They may be applied more generally to all the revelations of God's wrath against sin and sinners: "If God deliver me up to such sufferings as these because I am made a sacrifice for sin, what will he do with sinners themselves?" Materialism always is essentially infidel, though far from being, the only form of infidelity. Found insideDoes the Fourth Gospel present a theological explanation for Jesus's death? ... Matera (1986) Passion Narratives and Gospel Theologies Old Testament references Women of Jerusalem (23:27–31) Luke is the only Gospel to refer to the women. for if he had, he would, of course, have put it forward. Luke 6:27-31 The Word of God . ib. If you could not bear a son for your husband, that was an acceptable cause for divorce in those days. Thus, the only perfect man, the last Adam, who was there rejected of the Jews, and despised of men, with a loud voice, which denied the exhaustion of nature in His death, commended His spirit, as man, to His Father. In this everyday world, the struggles and strivings in life have become an accepted 'norm'. And Jesus had nothing to say to him at all. So the number of people at that particular Passover was over 2,700,000. (Verses Luke 24:9-42.24.12. This truth is not confined to the present portion of our Gospel. Explanation and Commentary of Luke 23:43 The narrative in which this statement falls is one of the most amazing in the written chronicle of Jesus. It was of set and deliberate purpose that the authorities crucified Jesus between two known criminals. Here we find that Jesus, having been brought to the place physically, where He could no longer go around touching the blind eyes, touching the deaf ears, because His hands are now held fast to that cross. (t) Maimon. The contrast between this march out of Jerusalem and the triumphal entrance into Jerusalem is as stark as it is unavoidable. Had they possessed the faith only to cry to Messiah about their blindness, He was therewith power and willingness to heal them. If though innocent Jesus experienced such a fate as crucifixion, what could the Jews who had rejected their Messiah anticipate? 1 And the whole multitude of them arose, and led him unto Pilate. He is drinking the cup in Matthew and Mark; He, the true, but rejected Messiah, the faithful servant, now suffering for sin, who had laboured in grace here below. What can give us amore vivid, true, and blessed representation of the Lord Jesus Christ in His first coming with the grace of God that brings salvation? "And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Thank you for Jesus, the One who came among us to take our lot and our life so that we may know that we are never alone and that where he is now we will one day be. But the day would come when the woman who had no child would be glad that it was so. For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. This is a matter of fact description of what was really fulfilled to the letter in the capture of Jerusalem by the Romans under Titus. The plain fact is that the vast majority of men still refuse to take Jesus seriously. But this shows us that for salvation, faith has to come from God. In the Gospel of John where the person of Jesus shines so conspicuously, the Holy Ghost is set forth personally, with equal distinctness at least, in Luke 14:1-42.14.35; Luke 16:1-42.16.31. Nor can it be too often repeated, that lack of intelligence in Scripture does not depend upon the obscurity of the language, but because the will does not like the truth that is taught. I hope that he has one for me when I go back. ", Apparently this was disobedience; and the others could well reproach their Samaritan fellow that he was unfaithful to Jesus. And Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." And so, that same hour, we see the disciples returning to Jerusalem, and finding the eleven there, who say, "The Lord hath risen, and appeared unto Simon." Author: HAT 0 Comments. Then comes in another communication of our Saviour not more interesting than full of instruction. I don't care what it costs; I want one." The truth is, that our English version, excellent as it is, goes a little beyond the word of Luke; for our evangelist does not say "When he was come nigh unto Jericho," but "when he was nigh." Here the Lord does not say, "Make disciples of all the Gentiles, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." But they insisted with shouts, demanding that he should be crucified; and their voices prevailed. in a favorable light. When Pilate heard this, he asked if the man was a Galilaean. What would Christ's kingdom be to him, if his sins were not blotted out? Neither personal deficiency, nor the crowd that was there, is allowed to hinder his intense purpose of heart to see the Lord Jesus. Excerpted from The Testimony of Luke, New Testament Commentary, by S. Kent Brown, pages 1077, 1081, 316, 338-39. Although in public all the people, with one shout, had condemned Christ, yet we see that there were some who had not forgotten his doctrine and miracles; and thus, in the midst of that miserable dispersion, God reserved for himself a small remnant. You couldn't say, "Well, I'm busy. From the other Gospels we know it was when He went out of Jericho, not when He came in. Yea, it was from all: our Lord has to meet shame in those He loved best. (Verses Luke 19:41-42.19.44.) Here it is prayer out of the midst of circumstances of desolation and deep trial prayer with evil near at hand, as well as divine judgment. This, at least, was quite right, and like the God of all grace. Therefore He that was (and not merely had) life, as no one else, weeps in the presence of death, groaning, in spirit at the grave. But the words here are no expression of His suffering, as thus abandoned and atoning, but of the peaceful departure of His spirit, as man, into the hands of God the Father. This is the true way of knowing Jesus for a Christian. Luke 23:27-31. They were not alone; angels appeared. He turned and bade them weep, not for him, but for themselves. And he was marched to the place of crucifixion by the longest possible route, while before him marched another soldier bearing a placard with his crime inscribed upon it, so that he might be a terrible warning to anyone else who was contemplating such a crime. How it would have lifted up Jesus' heart if, in that grim assembly of bleak hatred, even one lone voice had spoken for him! They were mourning His fate and were evidently sympathizers rather than mockers (cf. The chapter closes with Jesus before the council of elders, chief priests, and scribes. Look you--nothing deserving death has been done by him. Thus the Spirit of God works to give them a step, and a great step, in divine intelligence beyond the song of the angels at the beginning. Our own day has seen how men can speak and write eloquently of Jesus as a man here below, all the while serving Satan denying His name, His person, His work, when they flatter themselves they are honouring Him, like the weeping women (Luke 23:27), without a grain of faith in His glory or His grace. Or take it thus: "If they (the Romans, their judges, and their soldiers) abuse me thus, who have given them no provocation, who am to them as a green tree, which you seem to be as much enraged at, what will they do by Jerusalem and the Jewish nation, who will be so very provoking to them, and make themselves as a dry tree, as fuel to the fire of their resentments? Does not the account of the rich man and Lazarus intimate the same thing? Nothing can be simpler. When Jesus sank beneath the weight of his Cross, the Roman centurion in charge looked round for someone to carry it. He only states that it was while the Lord was in the neighbourhood. And all of the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts, and they returned. He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Found inside – Page 18397:56 Matt 3:16 7:58 Lev 24:14-16 Deut 17:7 7:59 Ps 31:5 Luke 23:46 7:60 Luke 23:34 8:1 Acts 7:58 51“You stubborn people! You are heathen at heart and deaf to the truth. Must you forever resist the Holy Spirit? That's what your ancestors ... About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. That could be translated, "Herod, with his soldiers behind him, thought that Jesus was of no importance." When a Persian king wished to do one of his subjects a very special honour he made him a companion of the garden which meant he was chosen to walk in the garden with the king. It is not surprising that the disciples at that time failed to seize His meaning. (Verses Luke 19:11-42.19.27.). And everybody accepts it, everybody laughs. But the death of Christ was his victory and triumph over his enemies: it was our deliverance, the purchase of eternal life for us. And all of his acquaintances, and the women that followed him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding these things. Pushed out, it rests on a want of faith in the real humanity of the Lord. was too late now: they had proved that they would not believe. And they returned, and prepared the spices and the ointments; and they rested the sabbath day according to the commandment ( Luke 23:46-42.23.56 ). For somehow his faith transcended even that of the disciples. (v) The centurion and the crowd were deeply moved as Jesus died. God will then judge the quick; and so, no matter what the association, the employment, or the sex, whether within doors or without, there can be no shelter or exemption. The unfaithful servant is not called an enemy, though, no doubt, he was no friend of the Son, and dealt with righteously. From the pit of hell. Found insideaddressed throughout the commentary, but in section 5 below a general explanation will be offered. Suffice it to say that in reality Luke has made use of at least three major literary works in composing his Gospel: Mark, ... "Were there not ten cleansed?" Sanhedrin, c. 13. sect. The Spirit of God speaks to be understood, and (if He is to be understood by men) He must deign to use language adapted to our comprehension. Let them be afflicted, and mourn, and weep,James 4:9. This is the necessary moral order of God. And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also were bewailing and lamenting him. ib. There were mighty purposes of God to be accomplished; and not only must He rise on the third day, but He enjoins that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name repentance necessarily showing the great moral work in man, remission of sins being God's great provision of grace through redemption to clear the conscience. And his sons became well known in the early church, Rufus and Alexandria. But here we have another scene, His weeping over that very city that was about to cast Him out and crucify Him. If you lived within fifteen miles of Jerusalem, an adult male, you were required to be there. I have to get this quart of milk home to my wife. "Art thou the Christ?" "Zaccheus, make haste, and come down; for to-day I must abide at thy house. Epictetus, the famous Greek Stoic teacher, used to complain that people came from all over the world to his lectures to stare at him, as if he had been a famous statue, but not to accept and to obey his teaching. They began to accuse him. And when they came to the place of crucifixion, this sign was then nailed to the top of the cross so that the people would all know the reason why this man was being put to death by the Roman government. Luke writes after these events have transpired, and through this description he tries to put that calamity into perspective as one of the many griefs of the nation that God addresses in and through the death and resurrection of God’s Son. Luke 23 is the twenty-third chapter of the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.The book containing this chapter is anonymous, but early Christian tradition uniformly affirmed that Luke composed this Gospel as well as the Acts of the Apostles. Peter stood up and he said, "You men of Israel, harken unto me. This passage exposes the attitude of the majority, where a passion to accumulate wealth and the desire for more possessions, not only gives birth to greed and selfishness, but causes us to worry about things we need, strive for things we desire, crave things we want and fight to gain more 'things', in . Simon, sadly ignorant of himself, is full of bold promises to go to prison or to death; but, says the Lord, "Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me." He alone of the two judged things according to his little light. The Lord alone can make His own word sanctifying. Events on the way to Golgotha 23:26-32. It will be updated to the new version soon.] It was the custom that the bodies of criminals were not buried at all but left to the dogs and the vultures to dispose of; but Joseph of Arimathaea saved the body of Jesus from that indignity. ( Luke 23:31 ). II. But the way in which he glorified God was not by merely ascribing the blessing to God. Our Lord, however, shows that it was not the time to think or speak of such matters. This volume also includes Basic Standards for Readiness for the formation of permanent deacons in the United States from the Bishops' Committee on the Diaconate and the committee document Visit of Consultation Teams to Diocesan Permanent ... Luke 24:45-42.24.49.) And when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad: for he was desiring to see him for a long time, because he had heard so many things about him; and he had hoped that he might see some kind of a miracle done by him. Luke 23:27-31Open menuNew International VersionOpen menu. All the evangelists record the fall; Luke alone records Christ's gracious prayer for, and purpose in, his restoration. God, the Son of God, understands because he experienced it firsthand. On the sixth day he agreed to meet them in an open space surrounded by his troops. He goes boldly to Pilate, and begs the body of Jesus, Which, being obtained, is worthily laid in the rock-hewn sepulchre, wherein never had man beenlaid. How did he know that Jesus was a King? We have seen how this chapter settles, if I may so express it, the Christian system on its proper basis, bringing out its chief peculiarities with striking force and beauty. We don’t know. Journey to Golgotha (Matthew 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26-42.23.31; John 19:17)As the prisoners set out for the place of execution, Jesus was made to carry his cross (John 19:17).He must have been weak from the brutal flogging, and when it appeared he was about to collapse, a passer-by was forced to carry it for him. And, of course, there was always a lot of noise and a lot of clamor, and this was intended to draw the people out to see what was happening. Misu. Therefore He takes all from God, and feels all, as it really was for His glory. "He saved others," they said. The Human Standard (Luke 6:31-34) The first standard, recorded in Luke 6:31, is the Golden Rule. On the way in Jesus was hailed as king; on the way out he is condemned to die as a criminal. was the cry of the Christ, crucified yet victorious. Next, we have the place of the servants responsible to use what the Lord gives. And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him. The Lord intimates in reply that faith grows, and even in the presence of difficulty. The effect, then, of that which was imminent was not peace for the earth yet, but peace in heaven most assuredly; and therefore we can comprehend how the Lord guided by His Spirit the song of the disciples at the close just as much as at the beginning; that of the angels expressed the general idea of God's purposes the moral effects to spring from the death of the incarnate Son. but I am among you as he that serveth." In Greek and Aramaic "It is finished" is one word. 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