virtual gratitude icebreaker

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300 great team building questions and icebreakers. It’s a nice bonding moment and helps you start the meeting on a positive note. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, have a laugh as you share how you prepare your feast. Because I’m eighteen and I still live with my parents. • Do the ice-breaker exercise Backstage Pass. If you’re familiar with breakout rooms, you’ll appreciate this one. I agree that Slido may process my personal information in accordance with Slido. ’s podcast. In this game, participants must find the one thing that they. Because talking about your emotions involves vulnerability, it may not really work well for one-time meetings with people who have never met before. But first, let’s be clear on what virtual icebreakers are and why it’s good to have them in your arsenal. But Zoom virtual backgrounds do more than just entertain. After people submit their answers, ask volunteers to share how they voted and why. This team-building activity is a virtual take on the classic M&M icebreaker. Along with increased productivity, icebreakers can help teams to relax and prompt creativity in the workplace. Have each attendee state a unique fact or description of the city/state/country they’re working from without using the actual name of the city/state/country. We played this recently with a team at RevLocal for a virtual retreat. Level of team closeness required: Low Save the macarena for another day. You may have experienced the awkward silence, the multiple-people-talking-at-once problem or a lack of depth in conversations, but another problem is that it can be a challenge to come up with fun and engaging icebreakers in a videoconference format. Our virtual team building program 'Beyond Limits' is designed to give your team the necessary boost to keep everyone motivated despite working remotely. We’ve collected for you these 35 awesome virtual icebreakers and team-building activities. This includes orientating participants to the agenda, introductions, and a check-in or icebreaker: questions or activities used to ease people into a meeting or learning situation. In this dynamic handbook, Jenna, Ashley, Abby, and Staci offer a fresh approach to learning through the lens of wonder. perfect for: new hires, corporate retreats, and large companies. Level of team closeness required: Low Virtual happy hours focus on the fun and relationship building aspect between employees. No worries, it can be nonalcoholic! Using virtual icebreakers during your meetings also helps you get to know your colleagues better. (approximately 10 minutes) Here in Canada, our Thanksgiving holiday takes place in October. For the majority of us having NO face to face meetings during lock down was a new phenomenon. If your teammates are scattered around the world, kick off your meeting by sending a virtual hi to each one of them. Team Building Activity: Virtual Edition Series, 1 of 3. We all have those traumatizing memories of the first day of class when your professor says the dreaded words “let’s start with an icebreaker.” It doesn’t matter if you just went skydiving or cliff jumping, when you’re asked to share a fun fact about yourself your mind goes blank. Funny Virtual Backgrounds. Next, put all of the collected statements into Slido multiple choice polls, or you can make it a live quiz. You simply add the tool to your company Slack and play fun games with your colleagues right in the Slack channel. If you try to force closeness with personal questions posed to meeting attendees who have never even met, it can create awkwardness and embarrassment instead. Do they want weekly brainstorming sessions or do they work better isolating themselves at a coffee shop? 45 virtual team building ideas. Also Read: Virtual ice breaker questions | An ultimate read for best results. Super useful when you don't have a lot of time to organise. Get printable counseling icebreakers to start your groups on the right foot now! 7 Virtual Icebreaker . They improve communication, build team rapport, reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, encourage people to get to know one another more, incorporate fun opportunities for interaction into meetings and help people feel positive and relaxed. It keeps going until someone messes up. Looking for a more sophisticated guessing game? A virtual icebreaker is an activity that can warm up a team and help them get to know each other virtually. A slow start after the weekend? The instructions are simple: ask the team to count to 20 (or however many people are . Here’s why I love it: It builds EQ (emotional intelligence) and gets rid of the phoniness of the trite question, “How are you doing?” That question will always elicit the same automatic and socially-conditioned response of “good” or “fine”—whether it’s true or not. Sound like an oxymoron? Level of team closeness required: Medium to high Icebreaker activities help members who don't interact much online learn something about each other. Best for: Team meetings about a particular project, as this icebreaker activity will help identify which strengths can be applied to that project. Best for: Larger meetings with people that don’t know each other well. Use an emotion wheel to build emotional intelligence. VIRTUAL TEAM BUILDING FOR TEAM MOTIVATION. Start the day off with some gratitude. This continues until everyone has been “linked.”, perfect for: marketing teams and ex-car salesmen. This icebreaker is a mixture of ‘Guess who?’ and a house tour. How can we take everything we learned from virtual events and apply it to the thanksgiving party? Because of this, don’t let them drag on. What’s one song or artist that you’re embarrassed to admit you like? Here are some icebreaker activities for virtual teaching to start things off on a high note. In this playful and charmingly illustrated Classic Board Book, Bear has so much to give thanks for! You can also give people a set time limit to answer a question, such as 30 seconds. This icebreaker is ideal for small teams (or done in groups) because people might not be willing to talk in front of larger crowds of people. In remote times, it will help you feel less isolated. Instead of taking a handful of M&Ms, everyone will write down their favorite color on a piece of paper. Icebreaker (5-10 Minutes) Now that the context is set, run a quick game or a fun activity to put people at ease. Before we can enjoy this again, try Donut. Are you one of the lucky ones who’ll enjoy a face-to-face office holiday party this year? Step One: Before your next virtual meeting, email each team member privately with the name of one other team member. If you want to dedicate a bit more time, one of my favorite connection exercises to kick off a virtual event is called Backstage Pass. You simply throw out two options, and the participant chooses one and tells you why they chose it. Best for: Any group. At the beginning of your meeting have everyone go around and share their rose, something that they are thankful for right now, a thorn, an issue they're dealing with, and a bud, something they’re currently looking forward to. Have 2 meter long legs or 2 meter long arms? Pop Quiz is an informal assessment given as a surprise. Have someone start out by sharing a random fact about themselves. I mean did you really need a car with a built-in vacuum? Tip You can also let your colleagues vote for the best background through a Slido poll. When was the last time you randomly bumped into someone in a hallway in your office and shared a good chat with them? Showing vulnerability is also a form of strength. You can use a Slido word cloud for that, but instead of words, your participants will submit an emoji. You can begin with everyone just throwing random facts out there, asking questions, and seeing where they can make connections—even if it’s a stretch! You may think you know your team, but chances are you don’t know everything, including what they ate for breakfast or what their WiFi name is. Other fun online celebration ideas such as these are: World Penguin Day - April 25th. Each color will have a specific question assigned to it. With these virtual icebreaker ideas, you’ll be on your way to improving team communication and building trust. Not everybody is happy with improvising. meeting icebreaker. For example, you could split people into breakout groups and then play a game like two truths, one lie. In this chapter, we'll reveal the best 5-minute or less team-building activities that you can try out with your virtual teams. Picture this: you’re on your way home from work when you stop at the gas station for a Slurpee. People might, understandably, guess that her comment about Justin Timberlake is untrue, but maybe you find out that she used to be a roadie and worked on the setup of one of his concerts. The benefits of recognizing gratitude include less aggression, stronger relationships, better health, and improved mental function. Pop Quiz. This is where Zoom icebreakers can help get your meetings off to a good start with . Time travel back to the past or to the future? Typically these high-level executives would prefer to spend their tight schedules on the tasks at hand. This has been my go-to icebreaker for years. LEARN FROM THE TEAM. They’re also great for hiding a messy kitchen behind you, or a trespassing family member! It’s a sweet little activity to make people talk and get to know one another better. If someone doesn’t have a pet, they can show an animal they used to have or an animal they wish they could have. Tip Combine the word cloud with an open text poll, so that people can also leave a heart-warming message for their nominated silent hero. In a meeting setting, an icebreaker does just that: It keeps conversation flowing—instead of letting it get stuck in awkward silence. Have extra pumpkins on hand, and put down tarps to minimize cleanup. Thanksgiving / Friendsgiving is a significant day of festivities in the global corporate world. Seeing each other’s backgrounds will break the ice and give you something to talk about during the first minutes of the call. Best for: Groups meeting for the first time or longer meetings where you have time for a more in-depth icebreaker. Thirteen-year-olds are crazy. Sharing is caring – and that should apply for both the good and the bad. Or you might unearth some fascinating coincidence, like all of your parents went to high school in California. Hybrid Meetings Giving You a Headache? 10 Tips to Make Them Pain-Free, 27 Places to Find the Best Meeting Backgrounds (and How to Change Yours), How to Improve Team Communication (and Why Failure to Do So Costs You). Choose volunteer activities that are best done together and take teamwork. 25 Virtual Meeting Ice Breaker Ideas and Activities Thanks to COVID I think we all overdosed on virtual meetings! Volunteer in the Community. Open your meeting with a question such as: “In one word, how would you describe the past week/month?”. If they get it wrong, they strikeout. As 2020 continues on, virtual meetings have become a normal part of many people's work life. We run this type of quiz when we introduce a new team member, or as a holiday fun activity. They become cumbersome and dreaded if it’s something you do every time you have a virtual meeting. It makes for a great team bonding experience. by . It'll be much more engaging than Q&A, and the smaller groups will help new hires step into the foreground. It will help to decrease the stigma around failing and increase team connectivity. 36 Fun Conversation Starter Questions for Your Thanksgiving Table. World Kindness Day - November 13th. This one is lighthearted and quick—perfect if you’re pressed for time and have a group of people unacquainted with each other. For every person in your office, write their name of 3 slips of paper, and drop them into a bag or a hat. Split up into teams of 3-5. 25 Virtual Meeting Ice Breaker Ideas and Activities Thanks to COVID I think we all overdosed on virtual meetings! Now that you’re set up for success, let’s get to the good part: the virtual icebreaker ideas. We actually started doing this as a weekly activity in our #random Slack channel. We tried it recently during our Brand team meeting and it was an hour well spent – productive, creative, and fun. Virtual icebreakers are small interactive activities that are used for lightening the mood, typically at the start of a meeting. Here your objective is just to support group holding. Hosting an ice-breaker event for your team while working from home is a great way to engage your people in a fun and casual environment. This allows everyone to get to know each other and adds the fun piece of finding out how sneaky some people can be. Some icebreaker questions won’t go over well with some people, and that’s okay! And pet owners have a deep fondness for their furry companions. What would your superpower be if you had one? Three strikes and you’re out; you know the drill. Here is the list of Virtual Christmas Party Ideas: Secret Santa: Fun Icebreaker. Take turns sharing these moments. Perhaps switching to more group-based activities if your team is comprised of introverts. Note: Are you running your meetings in a hybrid setup? Icebreakers are, well, a great way to break the "ice" at the beginning of a work meeting or the start of an activity. Similar to sharing highlights (see point #10), it’s important to also give our attention to things that didn’t go so well; things that we can learn from, and move forward together. If icebreakers make someone anxious, respect that and let them know that they're still welcome to the event. them when done right. I once met Justin Timberlake, I own a dog, and I can’t whistle.” Use an emotion wheel to build emotional intelligence. For example, check the overall energy in the room by running a rating poll such as: “On a scale of 1-7, how are you feeling today?” Or, “What’s your energy level today?”. If you’ve ever experienced the real thing, you surely know that it’s as much fun as it is nerve-wracking! Best for: Informal environments and large groups without much time to do lengthy icebreakers. In this game, participants must find the one thing that they all have in common that is not related to work. Gratitude Journal. It’s fun to identify people, plus everyone gets to share something about themselves. Not only do they increase team engagement, but they can be the perfect excuse for a brainstorming session! These are great if you want to surprise your participants with a fun little activity and enjoy some bonding time. If you want to up the stakes, those who land on the minority side have to drink, a sip of beer or a shot, interrupt at your own risk. Tell them to share a cool photo from their weekend – for example in a Slack channel. The game is a live, facilitated event that goes for 90 minutes and includes mechanics of RPG games, escape rooms, puzzle solving, storytelling and world building. Why is Virtual Team Building Important? Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to. Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In The Thank You Book!, Piggie wants to thank EVERYONE. . Gratitude Wall. Feel free to set a timer and start the official part of the meeting once it goes off. I love to do things to remind my kids of the many blessings we have. For example, an attendee might say, “Hi, I’m Janet. Icebreakers don’t just have to center around learning about your team members. Virtual team ice breakers can make introducing new recruits to the group far less uncomfortable. You can choose to talk about work-related tasks or keep it strictly fun to give everyone a release from work-day pressures! This icebreaker is the perfect way to express gratitude will also allowing your team to express challenges they may be facing. 1. Moderator. Here’s a great way to lift people’s spirits. If you have more than ten participants, icebreakers get a bit unwieldy and time-consuming. Make sure you also participate in these activities whether they are in-person or virtual icebreakers. Map Making - creative problem-solving exercise to create a map of the world. Level of team closeness required: Medium to high Use the poll results as a discussion starter: “I can see that not everyone is feeling at their best. 12. Then, display the highlights on the screen, and give a shout-out to each one. 21. A monthly subscription for highly customized virtual events for your team, from the experts. Virtual icebreakers for pandemic times. Sometimes, it will take a while to get to the point of having a meaningful discussion, and Thanksgiving icebreaker questions can help make this process […] This can sometimes depend on the setting in which you are using the ice breaker. MSP Teambuilding is 'future-ready' to cater to your needs. mix and match quotes. Tip It doesn’t necessarily have to be about brands. For example, you might say, “I love to cook.” Another coworker might then say, “I’m a terrible cook, but I love to eat. You know those car salesmen, the ones with the southern drawl that convince you to buy the car whose “necessary extras” happen to fall way out of your budget? Learning everyone’s styles will help to drastically cut back on any future problems. Give your teammates a little task such as: “You have 25 seconds to fetch something yellow,” or “Get the weirdest thing in your apartment, then bring it back to show us”. There are many ways to help boost engagement for employees, and this effort is even more important for remote teams. You might have spent your teenage years flipping to the back of a magazine to take the personality quizzes, but they definitely haven’t gone out of style! These icebreakers make it easy; here’s how: MOTIVATION. Give shout-outs to products, people, or whatever they feel they would like to recognize in your weekly meetings. Mar 22, 2020 - Virtual Icebreakers and Connection Activities I will admit that Virtual Team Building activities stretch me. Read also: 80+ Best Poll Questions To Ask Your Online Audience. For the regular version of this icebreaker, opt for weekly highlights! DISCLAIMER It consists of 25 questions that measure people’s strengths—from bravery to appreciation to humor. You turn your cameras off, leaving only audio on, and then you make some sort of a sound close to the mic so that your colleagues are able to hear it, and guess where it comes from. (This works with virtual meetings!) "I didn't realize how much I needed this book until I read it."—Bob Sutton Praise for RITUALS for VIRTUAL MEETINGS "Whether you are an old hand at remote work or are among the millions of us who are newcomers to it all, Rituals for ... Plus, you can rest easy knowing you’ll never have to ask anyone for a “fun fact” about themselves ever again. The great thing about team building icebreakers is that you can learn so much about your colleagues in a way that feels natural, light-hearted, and low-pressure. As you kick off your meeting, ask your teammates to post their highlights in an open text poll. Tip These photos also make nice content for your social media, internal newsletters, or Slack channels! perfect for: the next Bob ross…or anyone capable of drawing a stick figure. Some icebreaker activities listed below are suitable as regular intros for, say, the weekly team meeting. Try to make it unique; maybe you had a piece featured in your local gallery or traveled abroad by yourself! For virtual icebreakers, aim for interactive experiences that encourage everyone to get involved. In the next 15 minutes, they’ll have to come up with a name, logo, and slogan before pitching it to the group. Perhaps one of the most efficient ways to engage your team is through quick exercises like Icebreakers. Some icebreaker activities listed below are suitable as regular intros for, say, the weekly team meeting. Team meetings about a particular project, as this icebreaker activity will help identify which strengths can be applied to that project. You’ll start a meeting with some laughs and get your colleagues in a good mood before a meeting. "Not Leaving This House Come Hell or High Water" Scavenger Hunt This is a Zoom(r)-friendly version of the high-stakes game you recall as a kid, but during this virtual team-building game, your employees may trip over their own furniture and house pets in a mad dash . this activity encourages team members to practice gratitude, highlight personal strengths and makes people feel . Don’t do icebreakers for every meeting. The end of the year is the perfect opportunity for you to make your company meetings and team meetings a... A great meeting starts before the meeting. As your colleagues post their locations, give them a special shout-out. During the call, have attendees pick up their laptop and show you the view in real-time (this one obviously places a tad more pressure on people, so option A is a safer bet!). We recently played it in our Brand team and it was so much fun. Whatever it is, it just has to be unique! You can make this a weekly activity by making it a short drawing session, completed with themes, color pages, or free-handed work! Then this is the perfect icebreaker for your team! Instructions: Ask participants to post on a virtual board what their childhood dream was and to relate it to their present aspirations. We run fully hosted virtual holiday parties via our sister company, TeamBuilding. This ice breaker for virtual meetings is a great warm-up for any brainstorming session of some sort. Similar to the previous icebreaker, this one is probably even more fun: Ask your colleagues to go to their phones, and dig out the last photo that they took. Nov 7, 2016 - Want to help your kids learn about gratitude? Then, the person can explain the meaning behind it or why it’s on their desk. perfect for: small groups, creatives, and storytellers. And while this book is targeted to parents, teachers may also find it extremely useful in helping students achieve better attention and focus. For more information about this innovative program, visit But before you throw just any icebreaker out there, here are some ground rules for doing it right. For this, all you need to do is begin the meeting with, “Let’s go around and each say two words that describe how we’re feeling today. If someone doesn’t have a pet, they can show an animal they used to have or an animal they wish they could have. For example, the team activities include thank you letters, trivia that gives kibble to animal shelters for correct answers, and other small acts of kindness. It’s easy to bury your failures, but talking them over, especially with your team, can help improve your work strategy and team productivity! They remind us of childhood when the teacher made us stand up and state our name and one “fun fact” about ourselves—and then we realized that A) we’re not that fun and B) we don’t remember our names when under pressure. It works best in teams that know each other fairly well because it may involve some vulnerability, especially if someone’s “low” for the week is intense. As a group, you need to come up with a list of 10 things that everyone has in common — we are all wearing shoes, own a MacBook, etc. Once everyone has the word - make up a quick intro for everyone to sing together - then one person says their “word” and then someone else’s “word”. There will be a lot to talk about, maybe even some arguments about which candy or which movie is the best. When working with new people one of the most important things is learning their work styles. Setting interesting virtual backgrounds on your Zoom sessions is one of the best ways to spice things up and share a laugh. 1. them when done right. This is another great get-to-know-each-other-better game, inspired by our Head of User Research, Neil Sharman. Have the photo pulled up on their phone and face the phone screen toward their computer camera (this doesn’t always work and may be poor quality). Crowdsource your colleagues’ personal or professional highlights from the last week or month. In this section, we will share some ideas for conducting a virtual goodbye party. If you do this icebreaker, be prepared to say something encouraging or meaningful after each person goes. Use Range to check in with your teammates, run great meetings, and stay in sync. Can you sell this “exclusive Bladerunner 3000 stapler with premium metallic staples” to your team? Collect pictures from your colleagues of their desks at home and add them into Slido multiple choice polls with a question: “Can you guess whose desk this is?” and give several options. Maybe – but the truth is, the better you... © 2021 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. If someone also has that in common they’ll say “link” and tell a new fact about themselves. This book is packed with strategies and insights that will help you design better training courses. When your office opens back up, you can also print this out and hang it on a wall! This heart-warming book has become a classic, selling over a million copies, and is listed as one of the top children's books that encourage kindness towards others. Icebreaker Questions for Virtual Meetings Pro-Tip: Avoid the first few minutes of stiffness or awkwardness we've all experienced at the start of virtual meetings. You won the lottery; now what? This icebreaker activity is awesome for getting to know your colleagues better and have a good laugh together while sharing funny stories behind each finger down! Help participants get to know each other a little bit. meeting moderator. Because talking about your emotions involves vulnerability, it may not really work well for one-time meetings with people who have never met before. It can be most interesting in a distributed team. Surprisingly, 21% of workers do not receive recognition, yet recognition is the number one motivation for increased employee interaction in the workplace! As fun as it is, perhaps a virtual dance party isn’t the best move for a meeting with the CEO. For example, at the start of your meeting, ask your colleagues: “Which emoji best describes your current state of mind?”. The Offsite Co. For an icebreaker, have students roll the dice and choose 2-3 that represent themselves in some way and then explain. Warning: it may get a little messy, but it's sure to be a lot of fun! This activity helps people get acquainted with their teammates and learn interesting facts that might help them at their next Zoom trivia night. Ask people to submit what they are grateful for or who from the team they would like to thank. perfect for: startups and self-help gurus. This icebreaker is inspired by my colleague Sabine, who decided that since our team-building trip couldn’t happen this year, at least we’ll make up a cool story of how it went. Icebreakers for big audiences and conferences . Maybe it is, well at least it is for this icebreaker. Have everyone show a photo of their pet and talk about them. In Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World, Kristen shares the ups and downs in her own familys journey of discovering why its healthiest not to give their kids everything. An engaging meeting or training should always start with a great opening. 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