why i left the baha'i faith

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Why and How I left the Bahai Faith. I was philosophically ungrounded, freshly single, and quite lonely. Why I Left Bahai Faith The Bahai Inside . Enjoy features only possible in digital – start reading right away, carry your library with you, adjust the font, create shareable notes and highlights, and more. I first found the faith in a library book at a very low point in my life. Today, there are anywhere between 5,000 and 7,000 Jews in India. . She gave me a brief explanation and I asked one or two questions. One convert who rapidly left after discovering this called the Baha'i Faith "the Amway of religions." . This photo shows the start of the funeral procession outside of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s home in Haifa at the bottom of Mount Carmel. I told them I didn't know, because I didn't dislike anyone. Islam formed in Arabia in response to Jewish and Christian traditions, … At the same time, the Baha'i faith has spread around the globe. There are more than 100,000 local Baha'i communities in places as diverse as Chile, Cambodia and the United States. On the 200th anniversary of the birth of Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i faith, the question remains: What is the reason for their persecution? Bahá’u’lláh taught us that all religions represent progressive stages in the revelation of God’s will, leading to the unity of all people and faiths. . More than 10,000 people attended ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s funeral, held on 29 November 1921, the day after His passing. Goodbye, Mr. Jenkins. March 28, 2019 Free Bahai's 0. Answer (1 of 9): "Abrahamic religions" are all those which originate in the context of Hebrew Religion. Kitab E Aqdas is the most holy book of Bahais but this is the first religion I have seen where the followers say that the laws of the book are not yet applicable. His mind became fixated upon the words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. When we did, I left behind at the house most of the Baha’i books and other literature I had collected from my eight or nine years as a Baha’i. There is nothing genuine left about the Baha’i Faith headquartered in Haifa, Israel, and your responses to me (including ad hominem attacks against me, Eric Stetson, and others who dare to contradict official Baha’i dogmas) have only shown me and others all the more why I was right to leave that faith. Chapter Ten: Why I Abandoned the Baha’i Faith From 1995 to 2004, I was a member of a religion known as the Baha’i Faith. I studied everything I could get my hands on. My Life in the Baha'i Community. I was a Baha’i for about thirty years prior to the year 2000. It has become a world religion with followers in virtually every nation on Earth. His given name was Husayn-`Ali Nuri, and he was born in Tihran on 12 November 1817 into the household of a prominent Iranian government dignitary, Mirza Abbas Nuri. Br. Bahá'ís practise fasting as a discipline for the soul ; they see abstaining from food as an outer symbol of a spiritual fast. I was a Baha’i for 15 years, meaning I declared myself as bahai at age 22, and I resigned by heart from this Faith at age 35. The government, however, has explicitly – according to a once secret 1991 memorandum signed by Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei – set a policy to destroy the “cultural roots” of the Baha'i Faith, she said. Earlier in her life, she had decided she wanted to be Jewish, but circumstances prevented it. First, Baha’is believe that Bahá’u’lláh is a greater manifestation of God than Moses, Muhammad, or the Christian Messiah. The wife was the original convert and I think the guy just joined it cause he liked her. The bottom line is that both the Baha’i Faith and Christianity can’t be true. How new members are found Dangerous Cults: With many cults, you don't get… Why I left "The Faith". Shua Ullah Behai, the eldest grandson of Baha'u'llah, led a Unitarian Baha'i denomination in the United States and … GOT IT. A decade ago, I was a member of a religion known as the Baha’i Faith.This religion teaches that God is called by various names but is still the same all over the world, that all religions teach the same basic message, and that humanity is one and is destined to unite under the banner of the Baha’i Faith in a new age of peace and unity. In the 16th to 17th centuries, Spanish conquistadores and French fur traders were generally more violent to Native Americans than were the Spanish and French missionaries, although few Native Americans trusted any European group. Testimonial : Why and How I left the Baha'i Faith? I was a Bahai for 30 years. Women are not secondary in the Baha'i Faith and that has been the case from the outset. I became a Baha'i for the main reason....I was trying to hold-on to my belief that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God. Answer (1 of 5): The Baha’i Faith believes in independent investigation of the truth and encourages the study of religion in general. Baha’is believe that God sends different prophets, or Manifestations of God, to reveal divine messages to humanity. I decided to attend a Baha'i meeting because it sounded interesting. The Baha’i Faith is a global faith community, established in virtually every country in the world. Inge Barthel Reasons why I left the Faith, starting with thoughts on the political/religious future framework: In the ideal Baha'i context, after entry by troops and Baha'i constituting the majority of the population, the UHJ would have to one by one make binding all those laws in the Kitab-iAqdas that presently are not enforceable. Later, my mother, who was always hostile to the Baha’i Faith because of her Baptist convictions, took those items and discarded them all without my consent. I am also a former Baha'i who remembers my initial discovery of the Baha'i Faith more than 15 years ago as a teenager. In India, they were free to practice their faith, while simultaneously adapting to the local culture. To me, one of the most damning things about Baha’i history is the way the family of Baha’u’llah repeatedly tore itself apart over the “Covenant” of the Faith. I came to the Baha'i faith at a difficult time in my life. This is not out of respect, that is a lie. 1. The Baha’i Faith encourages, welcomes and honors the basic human urge to ask questions.. God is considered to be the creator and the ruler of the Universe in some religions. But there was something stirring. – An interesting read! You asked why I left the Baha'i faith to become a Daheshist. Some Baha'is who left this cult had to undergo deprogramming therapy. Baha’u’llah was an opportunist Sufi Muslim who hijacked the Babi religion to create his own religion. Following are some points, that were discovered about him: Please follow and like us: 0. ... Then they asked me whether I knew why everyone disliked the Baha'is. Many have left the organized Baha’i Faith community, while some others remain within it. Note: this is an updated and expanded version of an original blog entry from nearly a decade ago.. From 1995 to 2004, I was a member of a religion known as the Baha’i Faith. The message gave a link … Last Updated: March … Become a Baha’i. This video looks at ten common reasons that people choose not to be religious. and Other State Service Competitions : and for Professionals]|Garg S K, An Introduction to Astrophysics|Basu … With the help of David Hadden, they settled first in Ontario, Canada and then in Arizona and in 1988 Bill and Marguerite started Desert Rose Baha’i School. ... already live in, or the young person can move to another part of their country or even travel abroad. That first taste of the Faith left me with the feeling that at least this religion was sensible. May 13, 2018 1 Comment. I was an enrolled member of the Baha'i community from 1985-1999. But since they disliked the Baha'is perhaps they should … This is wonderful, up to a point -- the Faith's small numbers in the Boston area belies the huge amount of activity that goes on! Judaism is the most immediate successor, out of which grew Christianity. Why I left the Baha’i faith after 15 years? Why do Bahai fast? Now, about eleven years later, and after much more life experiences and readings, the Baha'i Faith and a religious life in general seems more appealing to me. You have show how if God is not Trinue and Christ doesn’t have two natures then Christianity doesn’t make any sense. Since Baha’u’llah’s passing, one unified Baha’i Faith has continued to exist everywhere – and in fact has become the world’s second-most widespread religion as a result. When that house of justice is erected the beloved Guardian said it will be the beginning of an era the like of which has never been witnessed in by gone ages. They called themselves Unitarian Baha'is and stood for a broad-minded faith based on reason and individual freedom of conscience. Multiple sects -> They call each other covenant breakers. Thus the Baha’i thrust toward the unification of all religions is primed for failure. The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha'i Faith. The Bahá’í Faith is a monotheistic religion founded in the 1860s by Bahá’u’lláh, a Persian nobleman deemed a prophet by practicing Bahá’ís. Issues Related to the Study of the Bahá’í Faith. By this they mean the practice of self-restraint in order to distance oneself from all the appetites of the body and so concentrate on oneself as a spiritual being and get closer to God. The Bahá’í Faith is a relatively new religion, founded in Iran in the mid-19 th century. Unity and diversity sounded awesome. The Baha'i Faith seems to attract more than its share of responsible, intelligent overachievers. Request General Information. I have always been impressed by your deep commitment to Baha'u'llah and the Baha'i Faith. The official website of the Baha'i Faith is: Bahai.org. Looking back, I now see that I was in a very vulnerable place and that many vulnerable people can be easy targets for religions or cult like groups. In May of 1998, Bahá’í Canada reproduced a collection of letters which the Universal House of Justice had written to various individuals on the subject of the academic study of the Bahá’í Faith. The official website of the Baha'is of the United States can be found here: Bahai.us. The pentagram is known to the Baha'i as the haykal, which is an Arabic word meaning "temple" or "body." I left the faith about 8 years ago, because I found that liberal voices were silenced or stifled within the mainstream Baha’i community, which is deeply conservative in its doctrines and policies. I live in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In English, the word Baháʼí is used either as an adjective to refer to the Baháʼí Faith or as a term for a follower of Baháʼu'lláh. Was it about a problem with your assembly, a … At some point Jyoti told me that she was a Bahá’í, and never having heard of it, I asked what it was. This post, by author Anjali Sivan, a convert to Orthodox Christianity, was originally featured on her personal weblog on the occasion of St. Thomas Sunday. Answer (1 of 15): These are some of the points which the Baha'i followers reject in their twelve principles but actually they follow. Though there is mention of a good and bad heaven, most followers hope for reincarnation which in this tradition is a good thing, as opposed to say Buddhism where it’s something to be escaped. However, this what the Church has always professed so either the Apostles got it wrong or the Baha’i Faith presents the matter erroneously. She ended up becoming a fundamentalist Christian. January 27, 2018 Leave a comment. March 28, 2019 Free Bahai's Articles, UHJ 0. The official website of the Baha'is of the United States can be found here: Bahai.us. The Baháʼí Faith (/ b ə ˈ h ɑː ʔ iː, b ə ˈ h aɪ /; Persian: بهائی ‎ Bahāʼi) is a relatively new religion teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people. This is an open letter to my good friend and Baha'i, Edwin. The faith was proclaimed … The societies which you reported on, Jackson, as I recall, were cases of isolated societies. I first found the faith in a library book at a very low point in my life. However when they started criticising the Baha’i Faith it became clear they had little or no understanding of it. Inge Barthel Reasons why I left the Faith, starting with thoughts on the political/religious future framework: In the ideal Baha’i context, after entry by troops and Baha’i constituting the majority of the population, the UHJ would have to one by one make binding all those laws in the Kitab-i Aqdas that presently are not enforceable. Thoughts: Why I left the faith. Please follow and like us:0My name is Dereje Amera. I remember with much gratitude even though I left the Faith after about 5 or 6 years. His remains were temporarily laid to rest in a vault inside the Shrine of the Báb. Baha'i was founded in the 19th in Persia (Iran) by a Persian named Mirza Husayn Ali, later called Baha'u'llah. The faith didn't really come up, but they were accomplished professionals with a seemingly perfect 5 member traditional white family. The following list sets down the name of each member of the Baháʼí Faith who is the subject of a Wikipedia article. Discover articles and insights by Ed Stetzer, Ph.D. on ChurchLeaders.com. Angel Cortez, left, listens during the multifaith service Oct. 31. Theists believe that God is the creator of the world and created everything that exists and has ever existed. The puzzled looks come not only from former Christian friends and family, new non-Christian friends, but Jews as well. The Bahá'í faith began to take its present form in 1844 in Iran. Many of these are in a transitional state. The original post is several years old, but I just discovered this blog. In honor of St. Thomas Sunday, I would like to share my own special appreciation for him. GOT IT. Only a year ago member: of the Bahá’í community of Sanghar, India (right), largely of Hindu background, learned of the Bahá’í Faith. Baha'u'llah (1817-1892) was the Prophet-Founder of the Baha'i Faith, considered by adherents to be the Universal Manifestation of God who has ushered in a new age of world unity. Download Article Explore this Article. I recommend that you also read the other articles dealing with evangelism on our website since they will deal with the issues of why we should share our faith and how we share our faith. But instead, it left me blind to what is really happening in the world. The Baha’i Faith, in a major departure from this previous pattern, has retained and maintained its singular unity since it began almost two centuries ago. The … . Susan (Shoshana) Zakar is a convert to Judaism. Not a Baha'i or an ex member, but I'm just wondering what caused you to leave. Looking back, I now see that I was in a very vulnerable place and that many vulnerable people can be easy targets for religions or cult like groups. Centers of Learning The Baha’is of the United States operate three year-round conference and retreat centers that offer a wide range of programming for adults, youth and children. ‘Teach the Cause to those who do not know. I don't in the slightest want to diminish the importance of Jackson's message on the diversity of human sexuality and sexual norms. Explore your book, then jump right back to where you left off with Page Flip. This is like Leninism and Stalinism or even worse. Apr 12, 2012 #8. From brothers to enemies. Why I Left The Bahai Faith. Others were written about the Heroes and Heroines of the Baha’i Faith. Yet unlike four years prior, . When I left a few people told me what a huge mistake I was making. Fill out this form to learn more, ask a question, or meet Baha'is near you. God Loves Laughter and All Flags Flying conveyed moral and life guidance through personal stories. I just want to add another perspective. Filed under Uncategorized, Why I Left Bahai Faith. What are the major criticisms about the Heroes and Heroines of the Baha'is of the world first taste the! That reason, you first must know Why i became a Baha ' Faith... 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