blue cliff record case 22

The Blue Cliff Record is a classic text of Zen Buddhism, designed to assist in the activation of dormant human potential. KOAN: Freely I watch the tracks of the flying birds. This collection of teishos was given by Kankan Roshi and senior students during a zen retreat (sesshin) or half-day sit. In summer of 2016, when I flew back to SE Asia for the last time, I had . 1 (last modification: 14 October 2014) HEKIGANROKU (Blue Cliff Record) Instructions, Cases, Verse. 2020-03-29, The Karma of This Moment. He himself responded, "Every day is a good day". The texts were compiled by Roselyn Stone Roshi in Toronto, Canada. In this Dharma talk, given on June 17th 2018, Rinzan Pechovnik Osho examines the Blue Cliff Record Case # 70 "Isan's 'I Would Have You Say It.'" Hyakujo said to Isan, "With your mouth and lips closed, how would you say it?" Hence, we investigate, open up to and allow the Dharma to express our lives, having faith. The Case commentary explains that Wu Tsu's words are "Going direct to the root source, as the Buddhas have sealed — picking through leaves and searching through twigs I cannot do." Wu Tsu is far beyond delusive thinking (to borrow a phrase from the Heart Sutra). As for how small it is, it is like an atom. The Blue Cliff Record is a translation of the Pi Yen Lu , a collection of one hundred famous Zen koans accompanied by commentaries and verses from the teachings of Chinese Zen masters.Compiled in the twelfth century, it is considered one of the great treasures of Zen literature and an essential study manual for students of Zen. Case 74 of the Blue Cliff Record. This is the Big Announcement. The Case commentary explains that Wu Tsu's words are "Going direct to the root source, as the Buddhas have sealed — picking through leaves and searching through twigs I cannot do." Wu Tsu is far beyond delusive thinking (to borrow a phrase from the Heart Sutra). In self-mastery he quetly puts on his clothes and takes his meal. The Upaya Dharma Podcast features Wednesday evening Dharma Talks and recordings from Upaya's diverse array of programs. 2009-09-22 - Blue Cliff Record, Case 2 - Dharma Talk by Judith Ragir (September 2009 Sesshin, Hokyoji Zen Practice Community) Nov 12, 2016 11/16 by Judith Ragir Setcho, 980-1052), a successor in the Unmon School, gathered 100 brief excerpts from the biographies of Zen master teachers. 80. The Blue Cliff Record. Tortoise Mountain Wakes Up (BCR22) Tags. Case 74 of the Blue Cliff Record. Part of our regular Sunday morning practice. Tenshin Roshi talks on case 7 of the Blue Cliff Record, "Asking About Buddha". Mind Moon Circle - The Journal of the Sydney Zen Center/Clear Mountain . Please feel free to use the "reply" field below to make comments and ask questions. Yunmen's Staff Turns Into a Dragon. We are organizing pilgrimages in the spirit of Zen master Bernie Glassman to refugee camps all over the world.We are practicing the three tenets:. Teisho by Ken Tetsuzan Morgareidge. Early Morning Meditation, Sunday June 20. by Setchô Jûken The core of this extraordinary work is a collection of one hundred traditional citations and stories, selected for their ability to bring about insight and enlightenment. Dainin Katagiri Roshi was one of the pioneers who brought Zen Buddhism from Japan to the United States. The Xinxin Ming is a poem of about 1,000 words in English translation, attributed to Jianzhi . Walk on the bottom of the deepest sea and even the Buddha's eye cannot catch sight of you. 'Sun face Buddha, Moon face Buddha'. Nansen cut the cat in two. " Yúnmén Wényan (864-949 CE), (雲門文偃; Japanese: Ummon Bun'en; also known in English as "Unmon", "Ummon Daishi", "Ummon Zenji") Introduction. In the Blue Cliff Record, Yuanwu quotes him in case one-hundred as having said, "For a man who has not yet passed through, studying the meaning is not as good as studying the phrase." He also says Fushan considered case fourty-three, "Dongshan's No Cold or Heat," as being exemplary of Dongshan's Five Ranks. The great universe is boundless. Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi - Zen Mountain Monastery, New York, Sunday 11/14/2021 - From The Blue Cliff Record, Case 27 - Yun Men's "The Body Exposed, The Golden Wind" - There's a banquet of teachings for every human experience we . Blue Cliff Record, Case 22. January 22. Blue Cliff Record Case 4, Te Shan Carrying His Bundle. More. Category. 1997b. Blue Cliff Record: Case 91 The Rhinoceros Case (abbreviated version) One day, Enkan called to his assistant, "Bring me the rhinoceros fan." The assistant said, "It is broken." Enkan said, "In that case, bring me the rhinoceros." Verse (Blue Cliff Record, composed by Setcho [980-1052]) The rhinoceros fan has long been in use, Date: November 8, 2021 Author: Corwyn Miyagishima Categories: Dharma Talks, Uncategorized. —The Blue Cliff Record, Case 22. All of you people must take a good look." Ch'ang Ch'ing said, "In the hall today there certainly are people who are losing their bodies and their lives." A monk related this to Hsuan Sha. __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"7b875":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1},"5a321":{"name":"Accent Transparent","parent":"7b875 . After all, the blue cliff record is a book about zen. 1. Two Friends Snowbound on Tortoise Mountain. Ron Hogen Green, Sensei. "Robert Aitken Responds (to Yasutani Roshi: The Hardest Koan). Dharma talk by Melissa Myozen Blacker, Roshi on October 21, 2021. The Blue Cliff Record. Blue Cliff Record, Case 61. The clear mirror hung high, he himself utters the words of Vairocana. A Strange and Wonderful Vision of Hope October 31, 2021. Blue Cliff Record 22, Book of Serenity 24. Blue Cliff Record, Case 55: Tao Wu's Condolence Call Todd Hotai Watson From the Wiki page:. . Bolleter, Ross. Blue Cliff Record, Case 63. :wheel_of_dharma: An R package containing data on important Zen texts - GitHub - malcolmbarrett/koanr: An R package containing data on important Zen texts itated to use the case itself in the service of my own teaching, which some may recognize as deviating in places from the tra-ditional commentaries. (1) Chou said, "Once someone asked me, and I really couldn't explain for five years.". The Case: at Master Nansen's temple, two groups of monks were arguing about a cat. One wakes up and so does the Mountain. March 2016 Sesshin, Day 7: Blue Cliff Record #22, "Seppo's Turtle-nosed Snake" Mar 25, 2016 March 2016 Sesshin, Day 6: The Way of Korean Zen by Kusan Sunim (trans. Hekiganroku - Case 74: Kingyu's Rice Bucket. Secrets of the Blue Cliff Record . Dear friends — Join us for early morning meditation in the Open Temple tomorrow. Site: Latrippi Designs . The Blue Cliff Record is a translation of the Pi Yen Lu, a collection of one hundred famous Zen koans accompanied by commentaries and verses from the teachings of Chinese Zen masters. As we practice to free ourselves, we are constantly in the midst of change. First let's say some words about the life and teaching of Master Yun-Men Wen Yen, who is called Ummon in Japan. Blue Cliff Record: Case 4 The Gang picks up Deshan's story where they left off in Episode 5: Ryutan's Candle. Zhaozhou's "I Alone am Holy Throughout Heaven and Earth". The Blue Cliff Record (Chinese: Bìyán Lù; Japanese: Hekiganroku; Korean: Byeokamrok Vietnamese: Bích nham lục) is a collection of Chán Buddhist koans originally compiled in China during the Song dynasty in 1125 and then expanded into its present form by the Chán master Yuanwu Keqin (1063 - 1135). Personnel and Background. It is the teacher's direct presentation of the Dharma. ENGO'S INTRODUCTION: The Bakuya sword in hand, he cuts through all complications. Blue Cliff Record Case 1, The Highest Meaning of the Holy Truths. Hsueh Feng taught the assembly saying, "On South Mountain there's a turtle-nosed snake. 1-22-11: Zen Brain 2011 (Part 6 of 7) . Blue Cliff Record Case 14, A Preaching in Accordance. Best Zen Community Of Oregon Podcasts For 2021. Hseueh-tou (Jp. Chan Rhetoric Of Uncertainty In The Blue Cliff Record: Sharpening A Sword At The Dragon Gate|Steven Heine, Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology III (Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan)|Charles Stanish, Report on the mortality records of the Mutual life insurance company of New York for fifty-six years from 1843 to 1898|Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York . Henry explores the single fact demonstrated in this Blue Cliff Record case. Here is the story of Xuefeng's (J: Seppo) awakening from the commentary to Case 22 of the Blue Cliff Record (JC Cleary translation): One day he [Xuefeng] went with Yantou to visit Qinshan. (2) (1).A double case. "Case 13 Blue Cliff Record." Pathless Path 1/6 (April 1999). Unmon answers, "A preaching in accordance.". 5/30/2021. The whole world is medicine." — Blue Cliff Record, Case 87. cases, and the Book of Serenity, which also contains 100 cases and is used primarily by the Soto Zen sect. Listen online, no signup necessary. s . Tricycle Fall 1999 . Everyone welcome. Mind Moon Circle - The Journal of the Sydney Zen Center/Clear Mountain - The Journal of the Zen Group of Western Australia. Date: October 22, 2021 Author: Corwyn Miyagishima Categories: Dharma Talks, Uncategorized. Blue Cliff Record: Cases 59-60. Blue Cliff Record, Case 80 - A Newborn Baby. Blue Cliff Record Case 2, The Ultimate Path Is without Difficulty. THE 74th CASE:JINNIU BREAKS INTO A DANCE Every day at the midday meal, Master Jinniu personally manned the rice bucket and standing before the Sangha Hall broke into a dance. Martine Batchelor) Whooping and laughing, he would say, "Little bodhisattvas! > Other Waka by Dōgen [Blue Cliff Record: Case 22] pp. Banner: Blue Mountains Walking by Bruce Shotoku Nielsen (2013) Find Us. Teisho is a Japanese word meaning "presentation of the shout.". The Blue Cliff Record, Case 24 The Blue Cliff Record Case 24 Isan and Iron Grindstone Lu By John Daido Loori Roshi of Zen Mountain Monastery Master Engo's Pointer Stand on the summit of the highest peak and demons and outsiders cannot know you. 2 Translation by Buddhist Text Translation Society (The Śūraṅgama Sūtra, Buddhist Text Translation Society, 2009), p.65. On Meeting Loss, Finding Life October 25, 2021. Prime Day is June 21 & 22. . Mountains, rivers, and your own self are all . Katagiri Transcripts on Apple Podcasts. Teisho (Talks) A teisho is a formal dharma talk, given on a specific koan or zen text. The schedule after January 2022 will be made known through our homepage as well as our Kyosho by the end of November 2021. The Poetry of Jane Hirschfield: a talk for Earth Day and Poetry Month. 2020-01-05, Record of Transmitting the Light 30: Huike to Sengcan. With this Ryokan poem, Hoshi Kigaku Noah Roen ends his Dharma talk exploring the Blue Cliff Record 80, . These "cases" bring us into the lives of these . Blue Cliff Record, Case 60. Home > News & Events > RZC Podcast Episodes > Blue Cliff Record #55, "Dogo's 'I Won't Say'" Blue Cliff Record #55, "Dogo's 'I Won't Say'" September 23, 2018 Audio February 4, 2021. Michael Fieleke - Case 27 - The Blue Cliff Record. Hekiganroku - Case 1: Bodhidharma's "Clear and Void" Emperor Bu of Ryo [1] asked Great Master Bodhidharma, "What is the highest meaning of the holy reality?" Bodhidharma replied, "Clear and void, no holiness." Hekiganroku - Case 74: Kingyu's Rice Bucket. 2020-06-03, Mindfulness of the Body. I don't know its origin — I've heard different versions, some attributing it to the Zen or Taoist traditions, but I haven . The Heart Sutra's Boundless Vision October 31, 2021. Zen Mountain Monastery, New York, Saturday 11/20/2021. This is a booklet with sutras and readings which are mainly recited in the San'un Zendo in Kamakura in Japanese original. "Right Reading." Tricycle (Summer 1999): 94. Blue Cliff Record Case 77. And in this endlessly changing world, we unknowingly try to create a substantial, permanent self. On the way, they were snowed in on Tortoise Mountain. Blue Cliff Record, Case 43: Tung Shan's No Cold or Heat Peter Seishin Wohl. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. That is all! Day after day Yantou just slept, while Xuefeng constantly sat in meditation. Translation and commentary by Shōhaku Okumura-roshi. 1 talking about this. The Hekigan-roku or Blue Cliff Record was composed by two of the greatest Zen ancestors, and they never knew one another, living in China 100 years apart. Stories of his teaching or of encounters with him are the . chapter six Asses and Horses:Joshu's dialogue regarding the stone bridge and the wooden bridge can be found in The Blue Cliff Record,Case 52. Fengxue Yanshao was born at the end of the ninth century, and became one of the great Zen masters of his era. Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi. Speaker: . Hannah marked it as to-read Mar 22, Hal Johnson added it Apr 23, Brendon marked it as to-read Jul 31, Liz Lemon added it Sep 04, Adrian added it Oct 20, Search: Search. The Blue Cliff Record was originally compiled by Zen Master New transcripts of recorded dharma talks by Dainin Katagiri Roshi, one of the prominent Zen masters who brought Soto Zen Buddhism from Japan to. These vignettes are known as gongan in Chinese and koan in Japanese. Selection of 100 Cases with Verses. Blue Cliff Record, Case 48: Turning Over the Tea Kettle at Chao Ch'ing Jaime Heiku McLeod. s . Teachings. The Blue Cliff Records were complied by Ch'an by Master Yunmen about 980 A.D. in Chinese Ch'an is Zen in Japanese Containing 100 Koan Stories it is considered a masterpiece of Chan. 2016 Wall Street Vancouver, BC V5L 1B1. 2019-12-05, Baizhang's Wild Duck. Broadcasted via zoom, 3/25/2021. Also well-being and memorial service. By Dharma Podcasts on November 1, 2021 in Podcasts. "The Blue Cliff Record, Case 3, Ma-Tsu: Unwell." Mind Moon Circle (Autumn 1999): 7-12. Jun 22, 2018. Although it is a massive tome, at its core are one hundred brief dialogues or cases (often known in English as koans).In these stories, we meet the ancient masters as they struggle with the paradox at the heart of . Blue Cliff Record (Hekiganroku, Biyan Lu) #57. More. Grasping and releasing, developing and declining, are not in others' hands; they are all in your own. Somebody warn Zen Master Guishan: Deshan's coming to visit! Buy The Blue Cliff Record Reprint by Cleary, Thomas, Cleary, J.C. (ISBN: 9781590302323) from Amazon's Book Store. 7-9. HANDOUT Blue Cliff Record Cases 63 & 64: Nanquan Kills a Cat & Zhaozhou and the Sandals Chinese Philosophy: An Introduction 9 7 HANDOUT Blue Cliff Record Case 69: Nanquan Draws a Circle HANDOUT Blue Cliff Record Case 22: Xuefeng's "Poisonous Snake" HANDOUT Blue Cliff Record Case 88: Xuansha's "Three Diseases" Chinese Philosophy: An . Our podcasts exemplify Upaya's focus on socially engaged Buddhism, including prison work, end-of-life care, serving the homeless, training in socially engaged practices, peace & nonviolence, compassionate care training, and delivering healthcare in the Himalayas. Engraving Trust in the Heart (Xin Xin Ming) October 31, 2021. The Blue Cliff Record is one of the heart scriptures of Zen Buddhism.It is a thousand-year-old collection of stories, commentaries, and poetry from the classical age of Zen in China. CASE: A monk asked Chao Chou, "'The Ultimate Path has no difficulties—just avoid picking and choosing'—isn't this a cliché for people of these times?". John Tarrant. You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.. Blue Cliff Record Case 6, Yun Men's Every Day Is a . 1 Translation by Thomas Cleary &J.C. Cleary (The Blue Cliff Record, Shambhara,1977) case 46, p.275. I've also heard it said like this: Sitting is Zen At the end of the great Zen masters are inaccurate 7 of the Zen... Roshi on October 21, 2021 Author: Corwyn Miyagishima Categories: Dharma Talks | way. Pioneers who brought Zen Buddhism from Japan to the United States the last time, I had on eligible.. 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