article writing exercises for class 8

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No article is used with material nouns, except talking about some specific ones. Man is exploiting nature to the extent that natural resources are depleting. The indefinite article ‘an’ is used before a vowel sound (with a,e,i,o,u). The supporting sentences develop the topic. Conclusion A typical modern man may get his breakfast or not, but he must get his newspaper. Used before number collectives and some numbers. Ans. Also, give suggestions on how water pollution can be curbed. Read these article writing samples to gain knowledge and marks. When he learns good social habits, he becomes a responsible citizen. Whether you choose chronological order, order of importance, or another logical way of presentation of detail, a solid paragraph always has a definite organisation. Conclusion The need of the hour demands a check in environmental pollution. The concerned authorities must find out ways and means to bring order and system on the roads in metros. The chaotic state of traffic in metropolitan cities has become a cause of concern for the concerned authorities as well as the public. This part must include. The rising global warming and the degradation of the environment must be stopped at once. The traffic becomes really unmanageable at peak hours. If sportsmen do not observe discipline cannot hope to win any match. … Soft drinks, chips, wafers, noodles, pizza, burgers, french fries, etc. Write a paragraph on ‘The Importance of Reading’. art approached……….. ant who was skilled in collecting food. He has caused havoc with the ecology and environment. 2. “Reading maketh a full man: conference a ready man: and writing an exact man”. Chaotic Traffic in Metros. Completeness means a paragraph is well-developed. There is not only the scarcity of water but water in most places is also contaminated. The first part is the topic sentence. In this page you will find editing and omission exercises for class 8, Have an experience of editing grammar with an enriching experience to find editing online. Driving India Crazy16.Watching TV and Reading Books17.Mobile Culture – The Ethics18.The Role of Youth in National Development19.Crucial Role of Mobile Phones20.Evil of Drinking21.Save the Planet Earth. On the other hand, an ailing person is a burden on all. No fiber in junk food means strain on stomach and digestive ‘ system resulting in constipation. Man and his domestic animals swallowed more and more forests and green belts. Writing creative, unique, professional and great articles is no doubt a tough job but it is rewarding if you perfect this art. In shaping the personality of an individual, the importance of reading cannot be denied. Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In order to bring pollution under control we need to conserve our forests, reduce the use of paper, petrol etc. This results in heating up of the atmosphere. In short, environmental degradation has become a major cause of concern in modern times. Arvind Kejriwal was born on 16th August, 1968. 5. 4. He served the Indian Revenue Service as an officer. Don’t stop to … Most of the food items labelled as junk food are high in saturated fats and sugar components and also excess of salts and lack any fiber. The main reason for environmental pollution is over population and poverty. Write a paragraph on ‘The Importance of Good Health’. Many wells, lakes and tanks go dry in the summer. Global warming has led to the melting of the polar ice and glaciers. In the army, discipline is of utmost importance. The Government is duty-bound to provide clean drinking water to its people. It depicts the massive jam of vehicles reflecting the chaotic state of traffic in metropolitan cities. In order to write a good topic sentence, think about your theme and all the points you want to make. The man who is standing here runs very fast. The following types of articles are given below Indefinite Article The indefinite article (a / an) is used … It controls the physical movements and our morals. He is able to mix well with others and is never alone as books are his best friends. The article ‘the’ is used when the speaker talks about a specific object that both the person speaking and the listener know. Answer: Let your stream of consciousness run. It is not liked by the school authorities. The water level has gone abnormally low. Let the readers be satisfied that you are going to write something new and relevant. The President of China will be giving a speech tonight. Man’s greed and hunger have no limits. We are callously indifferent to the environment. Unprecedented Price-Rise and Inflation Pressures, 10.Lead a hygienic life to fight the fever, 18.The Role of Youth in National Development. Kiran is the best student in the class. First of all, rivers, lakes, tanks and other waterbodies must be protected and preserved. “We all moan and groan about the loss of the quality of life through the destruction of our ecology, and yet each one of us, in our comfortable little ways contributes daily to that destruction. Beginning – Begin your article with a quotation or popular poetic line that supports your topic most relevantly. For this reason, moral education is gaining importance in the field of education. Question 3: People, of all age groups are moving towards junk food as it is hassle free and often ready to grab and eat. So if all your attention is absorbed in questions on article writing like how to write a short article in English for a blog, magazine or how to get paid for writing articles and how to earn money by writing articles? A paragraph is a group of sentences that develops one topic or idea. Ans. Therefore,……. It is the secret of every happy man. Articles: The words a, an and the are special adjectives called articles. Order helps the reader grasp your meaning and avoid confusion. Question 6: Definite Article Start with a blank page. All this forecasts disaster for human beings and other living beings. All the committed members have arrived at on decision. The increased demand for food and other resources forces man to cut down forests which leads to an increase in the carbon dioxide ratio in the atmosphere. In each of the following questions there are three sentences given out ot which one is wrong according to the usage of articles. Junk food has no or very little nutritional value and irrespective of the way it is marketed, they are not healthy to consume. Water is a precious life-sustaining resource. Unprecedented Price-Rise and Inflation Pressures7.Mid-Day Meals in Schools8.The menace of Naxalism in India9.How to Get the Best out of a Team10.Lead a hygienic life to fight the fever11.Disaster Caused by Terrorism12.Violence on the Roads13.Couch Potatoes14.Drug Abuse Among students15. 7. 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