American Rhododendron Society - New York ChapterDirr, Michael A. Both leaves and branches often appear in whorls. wide (12 cm), is elegantly frilled and lightly spotted with brown in the throat. wide (7 cm), with buds resembling candle flames (hence the common name). 1998. Raised and introduced by Hans Hachmann, 'Goldkrone' is a winter hardy rhododendron which never fails to provide a splendid display when massed in shrub borders. The foliage of small, rounded, aromatic, olive green leaves turns bronze-green in fall. Borne at the tips of the upright branches, the blossoms gradually change to pink over time and contrast beautifully with the evergreen foliage of elliptic, glossy, olive green leaves. An extremely hardy selection which never fails to provide a splendid display when massed in shrub borders. Azaleas have appressed hairs which is hair parallel to the surface of the leaf. has been written based on numerous outside resources. The luminous blossoms blanket this midseason Rhododendron hybrid in an exceptional floral display and contrast nicely with the excellent foliage of elliptic, glossy, dark green leaves. To use the website as intended please Most Rhododendrons are evergreen (keep their leaves during winter), with the exceptions of R. mucronulatum and R. dauricum. Sometimes slightly scented, the blooms are larger than most other natives, up to 3 in. Rhodi flowers are more bell shaped. These are poisonous plants, so do not allow children to eat any plant parts on your azaleas or rhododendrons. Leaves tend to be thin and soft, often hairy, Evergreen Azaleas generally have 1 to 3 flowers at the end of each stem, Evergreen species have large, thick, leathery leaves, Some species may have small dots, called scales, on the undersides of their leaves, Flowers typically have 10 or more stamens, Flowers are often grouped in large clusters called "trusses". Rhodi flowers tend to be bell-shaped. It produces an abundance of creamy, wavy edged flowers that are delicately tinged with salmon pink and display a darker pink blotch in their throat. Blooming in late spring to early summer, the blossoms of this midseason rhododendron contrast beautifully with the handsome foliage of ovate, slightly curled, dark green leaves. After a few days, the blossoms age to white before turning light purplish-pink, with their dorsal lobes slightly spotted red. The evergreen foliage of long, glossy, olive to dark green leaves does not develop any appreciable fall color and curls up tight when the winter temperatures drop. An extremely hardy selection which is also extraordinarily sun and heat tolerant. Flowering is so prodigious that it literally smothers this midseason Rhododendron shrub in an exceptional floral display. Instead of having hair, most Rhododendrons are often scaly or have dots underneath the leaves. long (15 cm), dark green shiny leaves which turn yellowish to plum in the fall. As the leaves emerge in mid spring, abundant ball-shaped clusters of 8 funnel-shaped white flowers, up to 1 in. Azaleas are small to medium sized shrubs with many, smaller stems whilst rhododendrons tend to be larger plants with fewer stout stems. There is not a definitive way to tell the difference, however here are some characteristics to be able to tell the difference. Deleting this collection CANNOT be undone. To create additional collections, you must be a paid member of our site. Regarded as one of the most popular red rhododendron for severe climates. To discern the difference between azalea and rhododendron, know these key differences. The shiny green, lance-shaped aromatic leaves are disease resistant and turn lovely coppery-burgundy shades in winter. Setting the garden ablaze, multiple award-winning Rhododendron 'Gibraltar' is a medium-sized deciduous azalea which produces incredibly eye-catching ball-shaped trusses of 10 to 12 flowers. Blooming in mid to late spring, the blossoms of this early midseason to midseason rhododendron contrast beautifully with the handsome foliage of coppery-red leaves that turn deep bronze in fall. Noted for its fragrant, spring blossoms and lovely fall color, Rhododendron schlippenbachii, commonly known as Royal Azalea, is an upright, rounded, deciduous Azalea with four seasons of interest. Azaleas have … Raised and introduced by A. Waterer, this late midseason Rhododendron is tolerant of heat and cold. Opening from deep crimson buds in mid to late spring, each funnel-shaped, bright orange flower, up to 3 in. Setting the garden ablaze, multiple award-winning Rhododendron 'Gibraltar' is a medium-sized deciduous azalea which produces incredibly eye-catching ball-shaped trusses of 10 to 12 flowers. Blooming in mid to late spring, each trumpet-shaped flower is delicately splashed with deep maroon blotches on their upper lobes. Another notable difference is the smaller stems and branches when compared to … Even winter brings its charm, when the well-balanced branching structure of this Azalea is fully revealed. Join now and start creating your dream garden! One of the first and most beautiful spring-flowering native azaleas to bloom, Rhododendron vaseyi (Pink-Shell Azalea) is a deciduous, irregular rounded shrub which features trusses of 4 to 8 delicate pink to white, flat-faced flowers on leafless stems, with some prominent spotting in their throat. The 2 groups can be distinguished on the basis of a few physical features. Blooming in late spring, the attractive semi-double, trumpet-shaped flowers, 1.5 in. Opening from raspberry pink buds, each openly funnel-shaped white flower, up to 5 in. This romantic and delicate planting includes mostly plants... Low maintenance and fairly easy to replicate, this planting... Providing months of fragrance and color, while being... Use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden. Create pleasing contrasts in your spring garden. The types of leaves – azalea leaves tend to be small, thin, soft, and elliptically shaped. Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Rhododendron calendulaceum (Flame Azalea), Rhododendron prunifolium (Plumleaf Azalea), Rhododendron schlippenbachii (Royal Azalea), Great Plant Combination Ideas wide (7 cm), delicately freckled with reddish brown on their upper lobes. However, gardeners in both zones have several options: plumleaf azalea (Rhododendron prunifolium), Florida azalea (Rhododendron austrinum), bigleaf … First, rhododendrons are larger than azaleas, both in height and shrubbery. As the leaves emerge in mid to late spring, abundant clusters of 3 to 6 slightly scented, saucer-shaped pink flowers appear at the branch tips, adding elegance and beauty to this early midseason Azalea. Azaleas and Rhododendrons: What is the Difference? Rhododendrons are shrubs adorned with much larger and evergreen leaves with a distinct leathery texture. Note this is the default cart. Offering a ravishing display in mid to late spring, Rhododendron 'Nestucca' is a compact, evergreen shrub which produces incredibly beautiful domed-shaped clusters of 12 to 15 flowers. Appearing as leaves emerge or just after, the flowers come in a wide range of fiery colors including golden-yellow, glowing orange shades and brilliant red, usually with an orange blotch on their upper lobe. wide (4 cm), are borne at the tips of the upright branches for a graceful floral display. Most Azaleas are deciduous, but true Rhododendrons are usually evergreen. 'Daviesii' belongs to the Ghent Hybrid Azaleas, which are hardy deciduous shrubs derived from Rhododendron luteum and various American species. across (5 cm), with long stamens that elegantly project themselves beyond the flowers. Each slightly fragrant bloom features inconspicuous golden green blotches that age to reddish-brown. Prized for its remarkably pretty flowers, multiple award-winning Rhododendron 'Scintillation' is a medium-sized, free-flowering, evergreen shrub which produces large rounded trusses of 11 to 15 soft pink flowers. Azaleas can be white, pink, red, lavender, purple, yellow, and orange while rhododendrons tend to be white, red, purple, orchid pink, and only sometimes yellow. Opening from pink buds in late spring to early summer, the highly fragrant blossoms contrast beautifully with the handsome foliage of bluish-green leaves. Azaleas usually have 5 stamens per lobe, and have 5 lobes in a flower. Prized for its compact habit, luminous spring flowers and remarkable cold hardiness, Rhododendron 'Windbeam' is a popular small-leaved deciduous Azalea hybrid. All azaleas are Rhododendrons but not all Rhododendrons are azaleas. Rich of a delightful fragrance, Rhododendron 'Daviesii' is a beautiful, compact, deciduous azalea producing elegant, funnel-shaped, creamy-white flowers with a yellow flare. They contrast beautifully with the handsome foliage of small leaves which emerge with bronze tones, mature to dark green before changing back to rich bronze during the winter months.
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