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Community College: For more information call the Academy Program Director at 303-880-2088, or send an email with your questions to: He has been an avid student of Master Robert Koga since his introduction to his police tactics system by the Boulder Police Department in 1975. And it really is a great loss. Some of his cases garnered national news coverage, necessitating media strategies; including the Aaron Thompson homicide arrest and the John Snorsky kidnapping arrest. That's why we go out and we entrench ourselves in our community to get a lot of applicants from the most diverse facets that we can," Hummel said. CANNOT have a received a Dishonorable Discharge from the Armed Forces. He also served several years in the investigative bureau working burglary, and later general investigations. Bob is a Koga Baton and arrest control Instructor, and a practitioner in several martial arts styles. Lt. DuFour started with the Aurora Police Department in March 1976. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Doug has been the Lead Instructor for numerous P.O.S.T.-approved Handgun, Shotgun, and Rifle Instructor programs and served the Colorado P.O.S.T. The Aurora Police Department has the largest group of recruits it's ever seen going through the training academy. CANNOT have four or more moving violations in the past two years, or a total of seven or more moving violations in the past five yearsCANNOT have more than six points on your driving record at the time of application to the academy. Here is the 2021 SPRING CCA POST Law Enforcement Training academy application packet. He has held various positions as he moved through the ranks. He teaches courses in Crime Scene Investigation and Procedures, Crime Scene Searching, Crime Scene Documentation, Crime Scene Sketching, Crime Scene Photography, Mock Crime Scenes, and Report Writing. Doug completed the FBI Firearms Instructor Course in 1992 and the Colorado P.O.S.T. Doug Knox has been CCA's Lead Firearms Instructor since 1994. As an Agent, he was assigned as a burglary detective. As Lieutenant, he has been assigned as a Watch Commander, Administrative Patrol Lieutenant, and Crime Lab Commander. He also is a Senior-Level Instructor in Ground Tactics with Law Enforcement Ground Systems, founded by Shane Pitts. Component D – Field Training area with search and rescue structure, drill tower, burn building, drill ground, driving skid pad and straight away, and K-9 training area. Many serve in leadership positions, and we are proud to have several past graduates go on to become police chiefs! Google Maps. Component A – Educational Training area with classrooms, staff offices, and lecture hall. Bob teaches Children's Code and vehicle searches, along with other associated classes. Graduates of the Aurora Police Academy and the Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy will receive credit for the following courses: Aurora Police Training Academy. He is certified as a driving instructor through the National Academy for Professional Driving and through the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. 25950 East Quincy Avenue Aurora, CO 80016 Google … CCA offers over 40 areas of degrees and certificates to choose from, many as part of seamless transfer plans. Agent James spent several years on Patrol to include being a Field Training Officer. INSTRUCTORS: LEA 106 Arrest Control Techniques Don teaches or assists in all areas of police tactics instruction. People were drawn to Steve, as I was, and over the years he became a big brother more than a colleague. MUST be in good physical AND emotional condition, AND pass a medical exam you obtain on your own from a physician within 6 months of the academy start date. CCA’s mission is to help students succeed in college and beyond. Agent James is also a police physical fitness specialist. Officer Bob Steine is assigned to the Patrol Division of the Monument Police Department in El Paso County. As an Agent, he was assigned as a burglary detective. He also represented officers who were under investigation in IAU, and officers who were being sued for their actions. Community College of Aurora is a diverse, tight-knit community that offers quality education at two convenient locations and online. The department explained the need for more officers comes from a variety of places including population growth, rate of attrition, retirements and injuries. Your doctor has to write out a statement attesting to the requests stated above that to the best of their knowledge, and from the exam results, you appear to be in good physical and emotional condition and appear to be able to engage in strenuous physical exercise and training and handle the emotional rigors of an intense law enforcement academy paramilitary environment.. MUST be at least 21 years of age to apply to attend the academy. The Aurora Police Department has the largest group of recruits it's ever seen going through the training academy. CANNOT be currently under any form of restraining order. Embed Share. Aurora police said the projected population for the city of Aurora in 2018 is estimated at 370,000 people. Team for seven years. Back to Top. Additionally, he holds instructor certifications in the following areas:  Firearms (Rifle, Shotgun, and Handgun), Verbal Judo, Level 3 Ground Tactics, Senior APD Koga (ACT-IL2, Baton-L5, and Self-Defense-BL1), and P.O.S.T. The ACAA is located at 30 Del Mar Circle. Gary has worked as an Accident Investigations / Reconstructionist, DUI Enforcement Officer, was the Lead Motor Instructor for the Aurora Police Department, and currently is one of two Motor Carrier Safety Officers.

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