IF… you have enjoyed this week… if you are in awe of the generosity with which we have been treated… inspired by the words of the fantastic speakers that have been amassed for us… and enriched by the friendships you have made…. Let’s give thanks for our great fortune in being able to come together in this way for this incredible week by going home with purpose and a determination to make a difference through our actions. They are speech and language researchers. President’s closing remarks to the seminar Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, We have reached the end of the Third OPEC International Seminar, and it is my task to provide some closing remarks. This can be done to closely knit your conclusion with a closing remark which might inspire your audience. A world where we are all privileged enough to be in a position to act according to our conscience when it comes to environmental stewardship and sustainability. A student of mine said once that going to conferences was like taking vitamins! What do we say? At this point in the conference as we near the close, I am reminded of some words spoken by Kurt Hahn, on whose principles Round Square was founded. IF… you have seen and heard and experienced things that you feel have changed you for the better… you are going home rather heavier than you arrived, thanks to the wonderful food… and you know that you will do nothing but sleep on the plane…. and they volunteered to. Keeping the closing remarks separate from the conclusion. The Food Standards Agency also funds several nutrition research pro-grammes inherited from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. So let’s take our privilege and put it to good use. A world where everyone has the freedom to make their own life-choices and not just those that are privileged enough to be in a position to take control. It is good for Americans to learn about the excellent research done here in Ukraine and also in Russia and other European countries. For many peoples in the world there is a constant tension and frustration between their vision of the world they wish to see and their cultural, economic and religious freedom to do what needs to be done to bring about that world. Speech: Chris De Noose Day 2 wrap up Banks are adapting retail banking to digital age >> Learn more about the conference >> See related news story Closing Remarks. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that all of you have well done through the three day symposium. I think we can safely say that the team here at Emerald Heights completed that challenge. He observed that when you spend a period of time living everyday life in the company of those from other countries you “cannot help but learn to care about the rights and the happiness of at least one other nation.” I hope that this is true of your … As you leave today or this evening, you will see collection boxes at the front of the hall and on the exits. Yesterday we visited a hospital on the service programme, and today the same hospital was the finish line for our Cancer Run. Whether it’s a village fete, a conference, or a major charity ball, closing any event properly is an important part of the proceedings – and it can be a tricky one to get right. He observed that when you spend a period of time living everyday life in the company of those from other countries you “cannot help but learn to care about the rights and the happiness of at least one other nation.” I hope that this is true of your experiences this week, and I am sure that we will see it evidenced in the warmth of affection on display as you say your farewells. A world perhaps where it is no longer a privilege to be able to speak up for your beliefs and everyone’s voice is heard. From their courage at the outset in taking on the conference to the inventiveness of the Conference Committee in planning this astonishing programme. Today we are glad to have invited. As we have watched you dance in the rain, contribute enthusiastically in the Baraza sessions, join each other onstage and raise the roof with your support for your fellow students at the multicultural evenings, launch into a variety of service experiences, eagerly explore the various places we have visited and ask such eloquent and insightful questions of our keynote speakers…. As your guests, I hope that we have managed to convey to you what a fantastic week it has been, how grateful we are for your generous hospitality, and how very impressed and inspired we have been by the programme – and the arrangements – that you have laid on for us this week. So, our conference is not complete without a piece of. Remarks for Closing Ceremony This has been a wonderful conference. It’s time to make a start on the World we Wish to See. The second quote from Ruskin that I shared with you told us that “what we think, or what we know, or what we believe, is – in the end – of little consequence. It is my great pleasure that you had fruitful discussions though I think three days is not enough. Copyright ©2020 Round Square All Rights Reserved. What are the benefits of joining our community? And whilst you take something away, at the same time we ask that you leave something behind. If you have loose change – coins or small notes – left over at the end of your visit here, please make a donation to the hospital by dropping your coins in one of the bowls. In the opening ceremony I shared with you two quotes from John Ruskin to carry with you this week. Speech at the Closing Ceremony of High-level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Urbanization Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal … We know that this is important to you and is an important part of the culture here in India. WSBI Innovation Conference. The only consequence is what we do.”. Sometimes it’s best to keep your closing remarks aside from the conclusion to avoid confusing the audience.
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