in case of consumer and professional uses). The purpose of the information provided under this section is to highlight the substance hazardousness in a readable format. This information is only displayed if the substance is well-defined, its identity is not claimed confidential and there is sufficient information available in ECHA’s databases for ECHA’s algorithms to generate a molecular structure. A substance identified primarily by an EC or list number may be linked with more than one CAS number, or with CAS numbers that have been deleted. ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which this substance is most likely to be released to the environment. This section is based on three sources for information (harmonised classification and labelling (CLH), REACH registrations and CLP notifications). ECHA has no data from registration dossiers on the precautionary measures for using this substance. The molecular chemical formulas lack structural information. The quality and correctness of the information submitted to ECHA remains the responsibility of the data submitter. Occupational exposure limit (OEL) values are derived within two legal frameworks that form an integral part of the EU’s mechanism for protecting the health of workers. UnitPot is a noteworthy web-based scientific unit converter that comes with an intuitive user interface. Condensed chemical formulas show the hydrogen atoms (or other atoms or groups) right next to the carbon atoms to which they are attached. More information about the EC Inventory can be found here. The CLP Regulation makes sure that the hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated to workers and consumers in the European Union. InfoCards are updated when new information is available. The InfoCard summarises the non-confidential data of a substance held in the databases of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). For example, the molecular formula C4H10 tells us there are 4 carbon atoms and 10 hydrogen atoms in a molecule, but it doesn’t distinguish between butane and isobutane. In a condensed structural formula, or semi-structural formula, covalent bonds are not always shown and atoms of the same type bonded to one another are grouped together. The information is aggregated from the data coming from REACH substance registrations provided by industry. CH₃CH₃, CH₃CH₂CH₃, and CH₃CH₂OH. Legal. The precautionary measures and guidance on safe use are as submitted to ECHA by registrants under the REACH Regulation. The chemical structure image of N-Ethylpropylamine is available in chemical structure page of N-Ethylpropylamine, which specifies the molecular geometry, i.e., the spatial arrangement of atoms in the chemical formula of N-Ethylpropylamine and the chemical bonds that hold the atoms together. REACH regulation aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals. The Prior Informed Consent Regulation administers the import and export of certain hazardous chemicals and places obligations on companies who wish to export these chemicals to non-EU countries. More information about CAS and the CAS registry can be found here. In that case, the ATP (Adaptation to Technical Progress) number is displayed. Harmonisation is based on the substance’s physical, toxicological and eco-toxicological hazard assessment. This site is not fully supported in Internet Explorer 7 (and earlier versions). This substance is used by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing. It can provide a standard way to encode the molecular information of N-Ethylpropylamine to facilitate the search for the compound information in databases and on the web. REACH registration dossiers have greater data requirements (such as supporting studies) than do notifications under CLP. Examples include recommended measures on fire-fighting, transport and recycling and disposal. A condensed structural formula is a more compact way of drawing the structural formula of a molecule. If a substance is classified under multiple CLH entries, a link to the C&L Inventory is provided to allow users to view CLH information associated with the substance and no text is automatically generated for the InfoCard. Such notifications are required for hazardous substances, mixtures, or articles, manufactured or imported at over 1 kg per annum. disodium tetraborate EC no. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. For more information contact us at or check out our status page at The type of uses and classifications may vary between different submissions to ECHA and for a full understanding it is recommended to consult the source data. It shows all atoms, but omits the vertical bonds and most or all the horizontal single bonds. Details of dossier compliance checks and testing proposal evaluation. An alternative textual expression including the structural information is InChI. Some substance identifiers may have been claimed confidential, or may not have been provided, and therefore not be displayed. A molecular formula shows only the kinds and numbers of atoms in a molecule. Please hyperlink "Mol-Instincts" to 8.4: Condensed Structural and Line-Angle Formulas, [ "article:topic", "showtoc:no", "license:ccbyncsa", "transcluded:yes", "source[1]-chem-16066" ]. Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance. 215–540–4, is covered by three harmonisations: 005–011–00–4; 005–011–01–1 and 005–011–02–9), CLH information cannot be displayed in the InfoCard as the difference between the CLH classifications requires manual interpretation or verification. If no EU harmonised classification and labelling exists and the substance was not registered under REACH, information derived from classification and labelling (C&L) notifications to ECHA under CLP Regulation is displayed under this section. The POPs Regulation bans or severely restricts the production and use of persistent organic pollutants in the European Union. It is the responsibility of the substance manufacturers and importers to consult official publications, e.g. The EC Number is the numerical identifier for substances in the EC Inventory. The ‘Hazard classification’ and labelling section uses the signal word, pictogram(s) and hazard statements of the substance under the harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) as its primary source of information. The molecular weight of N-Ethylpropylamine is available in molecular weight page of N-Ethylpropylamine, which is calculated as the sum of the atomic weights of each constituent element multiplied by the number of atoms of that element specified in the chemical formula of N-Ethylpropylamine. The CAS number is the substance numerical identifier assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, to substances registered in the CAS registry database. Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use as processing aid. Thus, structural formulas identify the specific isomers by showing the order of attachment of the various atoms. When information is available in all sources, the first two are displayed as a priority. The date of the last update corresponds to the publication date of the InfoCard and not necessarily to the date in which the update occurred in the source data. Biocidal Products Committee opinions on active substance approval, National authorisation and mutual recognition, Understanding the Waste Framework Directive, Tools to prepare and submit SCIP notifications, List of substances subject to the POPs Regulation, Draft recommendation for inclusion in the Authorisation List and consultation, Submitted restrictions under consideration, Harmonised classification and labelling targeted consultations, Consultations on ECHA Executive Director’s requests, PACT - Public Activities Coordination Tool, Information on Candidate List substances in articles, Candidate List of substances of very high concern for Authorisation, Registry of restriction intentions until outcome, Registry of SVHC intentions until outcome, Table of harmonised entries in Annex VI to CLP, Occupational exposure limits - Activity list, Harmonised classification and labelling (RAC), Chapter R.12: Use Descriptor system of ECHA Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment, Guidance on the safe use of the substance, PACT - Public activities Co-ordination Tool, Previous consultations on ECHA’s Executive Director Requests to the Committees, Applications for authorisation consultations, Harmonised classification and labelling consultations, ECHA Executive Director’s requests related to the CLH process, Consultation on potential candidates for substitution, Consultation on derogation to the exclusion criteria, ECHA's Executive Director Requests to the Committees, Consultation on a draft recommendation for amendment of Authorisation List entries, Consultations in the authorisation process, Occupational exposure limits - Call for comments and evidence, Occupational exposure limits - Previous calls for comments and evidence, Occupational exposure limits – Consultations on OEL recommendation, Derogations for the protection of cultural heritage, ECHA's current activities on restrictions, ECHA's completed activities on restriction, Information on Candidate List substances in articles table, Information from the Existing Substances Regulation (ESR), PBT/vPvB assessments under the previous EU chemicals legislation, Adopted opinions and previous consultations on applications for authorisation, Adopted opinions on restriction proposals, Mapping exercise – Plastic additives initiative, Occupational exposure limits substance evaluations, List of substances subject to POPs Regulation, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Practical examples of chemical safety reports.
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