This is a U. S. General Services Administration Federal Government computer system that is"FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. It is agreed that these Contractor proprietary items shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Contractor. A contract is a specific type of agreement that meets certain requirements designed to create legally binding obligations between parties that are enforceable by a court of law.. If Customer’s acts or failure to act causes Contractor to delay or suspend performance of Services, Contractor and Customer will mutually agree to one of the following remedies: a. Invoices are due and payable within [NUMBER] days of Contractor’s invoice date. Neither party has the right to disclose the Confidential Information of the other, in whole or in part, to any third party, and neither party will make use of the Confidential Information of the other for its own or a third party’s benefit or in any way use such Confidential Information other than for the purposes of performance of this Agreement without the prior written consent of the disclosing party. Make sure contractors are undertaking profitable jobs. Other direct costs such as [DESCRIPTION OF OTHER DIRECT COSTS] are not included in the fixed price and will be invoiced at actual cost plus administrative burden. Reimbursement for any non-cancelable services and commitments entered into by Contractor, in connection with the Project being terminated, provided Contractor provides Customer with documentation of completion of work or expenses incurred. c. This license gives no title or ownership rights in Contractor proprietary items or related intellectual property to Customer. Document Date: 6/5/2019, Parties: ZANDER THERAPEUTICS, INC | Bandwidth Capital Partners LLC | Zander Therapeutics Inc Document Date: 11/1/2018 Law Firm: Choate Hall This allows him to increase his profit potential. The right of either party to terminate this Service Contract, as herein provided, shall not be affected in any way by its waiver of, or failure to take action with respect to, any previous default. Customer will receive invoices based upon the billing/payment schedule contained in the applicable Statement of Work. (3) Because of the differences in obligation assumed by the contractor, the completion form is preferred over the term form whenever the work, or specific milestones for the work, can be defined well enough to permit development of estimates within which the contractor can be expected to complete the work. Contractor will use reasonable efforts to continue performance as practicable under the circumstances and Customer will continue to make all scheduled payments; or. Documenting your arrangement on paper helps ensure that the interests of both parties are laid out in certain terms. portion of any Transaction requires the performance of development services, technology consulting services, formulation work, feasibility studies or other similar services by the Company for which the Company receives fees for such services, any In no event will either party be liable for SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, including but not limited to loss of profits, revenues, data or power, damage to or loss of the use of products, damage to property, claims of third parties, including personal injury or death, suffered as a result of provision of Services or use of Deliverables. Companys prior written consent, use or disclose any Confidential Information for a purpose other than as expressly contemplated by this Agreement to carry out its obligations hereunder. A cost-plus-fixed-fee contract is a cost-reimbursement contract that provides for payment to the contractor of a negotiated fee that is fixed at the inception of the contract. Invoices will contain a description of the Services or Deliverables provided. 2. have entered into a Definitive Agreement during the Fee Eligibility Period involving the license or sale by the Company of one or more of the Companys proprietary technologies or assets to such Prospective Partner for purposes of a Business Governing Law:Texas, Parties: AYTU BIOSCIENCE, INC | Armistice Capital Master Fund, Ltd | Cerecor Inc | Deerfield Parties, Armistice, Aytu, Aytu Therapeutics LLC, Avadel US Holdings, Inc | James Flynn, Peter Steelman and Deerfield CSF, LLC | JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA Coaching Contract. Company from trading, directly or indirectly, in the securities of the Company or encouraging or causing others to do so. a. However, in the event the work cannot be completed within the estimated cost, the Government may require more effort without increase in fee, provided the Government increases the estimated cost. confidentiality, non-disclosure and non-use restrictions substantially equivalent with the restrictions contained in this Agreement. h. Customer grants Contractor a perpetual non-exclusive, paid-up license to use all portions of the deliverables first developed by Contractor during the performance of this Agreement, not to include content or any material provided to Contractor by Customer. Hire the top business lawyers and save up to 60% on legal fees. Dated as of February 23, 2018, FOURTH AMENDMENT TO CREDIT AGREEMENT AND WAIVER; FIRST AMENDMENT TO FEE LETTER, SEVENTH AMENDED AND RESTATED FEE AGREEMENT, AMENDED AND RESTATED TRANSACTION FEE AGREEMENT, OMNIBUS SIXTH AMENDMENT TO AMENDED AND RESTATED CREDIT AND SECURITY AGREEMENT AND LENDER FEE LETTER, THE OHIO VALLEY BANK COMPANY DIRECTOR DEFERRED FEE AGREEMENT, THIRD AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT AND FIRST AMENDMENT TO INCENTIVE PAYMENT AGREEMENT, (a) Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement shall be amended by amending and restating the definitions of "Fee Letter", "Loan Documents", and "Receivables Agreement" in their entirety as follows: "Fee Letter" means (i) that certain letter agreement dated as of September 8, 2014 between the Borrower Repr, CONSTRUCTION PAYMENT AGREEMENT (Tulsa Rail Yard). (d) Completion and term forms. In the event of such delay, the date of delivery or time of completion will be extended by a period of time reasonably necessary to overcome the effect of any such delay. e. Customer agrees to retain or reproduce on all copies of any Contractor proprietary items all copyright notices and other proprietary legends and all trademarks or service marks of Contractor or any third party. b. c. Following redelivery of corrected Deliverables, a new acceptance test shall be immediately commenced by Customer. Governing Law:California, Parties: FOX FACTORY HOLDING CORP | 75,000,000 Gainesville and Hall County Development Authority Taxable Industrial Development Revenue Bonds Fox Factory, Inc Use this Bylaws Template for your company today. A cost and fee contract is a type of cost-reimbursement contract. Calculating Expenses for Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contracts. Governing Law:Texas, Parties: TREMONT MORTGAGE TRUST | CITIBANK, NA | TRMT CB LENDER LLC Contracts of this nature do not allow for changes in price under most circumstances. Governing Law:New York, Parties: TELOS CORP | ENLIGHTENMENT CAPITAL SOLUTIONS FUND II, LP | TELOS CORPORATION | TELOWORKS, INC | UBIQUITYCOM, INC | XACTA CORPORATION Parent topic: Subpart 16.3 - Cost-Reimbursement Contracts, Contact Us | Privacy and Security Notice | Accessibility Aids | Last updated 11/27/20. similar taxes, fees, charges, assessments or penalties regardless of the jurisdiction in which the same are assessed, payable by the Company in connection with a Transaction. Customer may not transfer, sell, or otherwise dispose of any Contractor proprietary items without the prior written consent of Contractor. A cost-plus-fixed-fee contract is commonly referred to as a CPFF contract. As such, NHC agrees that it shall not engage, directly or indirectly, in any transactions in the Companys common stock during the term of this Agreement and for a period of eighteen (18) months Company desires to retain NHC to introduce the Company to pharmaceutical companies, distributors and/or retailers that are interested in utilizing the Companys proprietary technology to develop OTC or prescription pharmaceutical or nutritional Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.
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