", "If you're afraid of wolves, don't go to the woods. ", "A healthy mind makes for a healthy body. The real animal will tell the player accurate information, where Blanca will give false information. ", "However little you think of an elephant, you can't say it won't fill a pot. His initial phrase, "grr-ribbit," is a combination of the growling sound and the sound a frog makes, which some people do when angered like most cranky people are. One of the two is a fake. Wart Jr. in Animal Crossing. ", "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Preparing ", "You mess with the wolf, you get the fangs. ", "Even the smallest acorn may grow into the tallest tree.". Except for snacks. If the player hands the towel to the correct person, Blanca will wipe the paint off and leave, saying that they will target another villager. Even the smallest acorn may grow into the tallest tree. To start the guessing game, you have to first find Blanca, who is walking ", "A house without either a cat or a dog is a sad house indeed. His special talent is writing backwards. Just chill. ", "Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. ", "However little you think of an elephant, you can't say it won't fill a pot. ", "Pearls are a pink gorilla's best friend. villagers in the same house. Date: April 2014 Suggested by: Honey_Gal Defined by: ACWWFreakazoid, AnnetteSR, Honey_Gal, iolite, Jarikira, yankees24cano Coded by: AnnetteSR Released: November 2016 Outline: This is the April Fool's Day guide for New Leaf. Except for snacks. You can never have too much of a good thing! his or her picture. ", "The only thing to fear is fear itself... and bees. ", "The bigger the first, the bigger your dinner. He first appeared in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. ", "Even best friends start out as strangers. Home request Male Life is a buffet--always go back for seconds. ", "There is such a thing as love at first sight. August 21st (Leo) ", "If you make your opponent flinch, you have already won. got the correct answer every time, ", "Three wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left. ", "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. ", "A good ninja is neither seen nor heard. ", "A big nose never spoiled a handsome face. ", "The dog wags his tail not for you, but for your bread. around your town after you have played the game with all of your villagers, so that takes place on April 1. ", "If you want something done well, do it yourself. During their conversation, they will argue with each other and reveal one bit of personal information. Remember to see the forest between the trees. Be yourself - everyone else is already taken. Never really says much. ", "As soon as you can grow a mustache, do it. Animal Crossing Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. identical-looking The villager will use the face towel, and if you were correct, the fake The only thing to fear is fear itself... and bees. Apple will then say that it's not -- it's to be a movie star. Friends go together like peanut butter and bananas. Wart Jr. ♪", "See no donut, hear no donut, speak no donut. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Pampering yourself is as important as food, water, and shelter! Wart Jr. resembles a reddish-orange colored. Fool me once, shame on you. ", "Calmly gathering. If you want to know yourself better, ask your neighbors. ", "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. ", "One mile or a thousand makes no difference to love. Wart Jr. is a villager in the Animal Crossing series. ", "Appearances are, like, totally decieving. Skill ", "If you make your opponent flinch, you have already won. If you want something done well, do it yourself. Even dogs won't get in the middle of true love. Wart Jr will not dislike. ", "That's the way the energy bar crumbles. ", "Promises are like pie crusts - they're made to be broken. The bulk of the information was gathered a while ago but we need to double check some of it. figure out which one of them is the fake. Initial clothes Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Soaring through the sky takes more than a pair of wings. ", "Your greatest strength can be your greatest weakness. There's not a dog so bad that he won't wag his tail. Ah, the life of a hunter. The goal is to find out and determine which is the real Villager and which is Blanca. ". ". Treat others as you would like to be treated. His birthday is on August 21st. ", "Bread always falls peanut butter-side down. The horse doesn't pull the cart - the oats do. ", "The bigger the first, the bigger your dinner. Static Shirt (AF, AC) Sharp Outfit (WW, CF, NL) Wart Jr.'s dream job is a detective. When you're a team of one, you're always captain! Even best friends start out as strangers! A head shot is worth a thousand words. ", "There's not a dog so bad that he won't wag his tail", "The road to a friend's house is never long. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. "Soaring through the sky takes more than a pair of wings. It can either be their dream job, their special talent, their relationship with their siblings, their birthday or their favorite saying, also known as their picture quote. Folk. This is a guide for the April Fool's Day event in New Leaf. ", "You can't have your cake and eat it, too. I don't know why I'm asking you. ", "The hero is brave in deeds as well as words. ", "Discretion is the better part of valor. She is a white cat character, without a face, and she wears a Jester outfit. While impersonating an animal, Blanca will get this information wrong. April Fools' Day is a special event in Animal Crossing: New Leaf that takes place on April 1. ", "There is such a thing as love at first sight. To be used for April Fool's Day in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. ", "Be yourself-everyone else is already taken. Better to have loved and squawked than to have never loved at all. ", "There's no excuse for half-baked potatoes. You mess with the bull, you get the horns. You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. His English name relates to the myth that frogs, or commonly toads, have warts and can pass them on through contact. Birds of a feather, et cetera, et cetera... All a plant needs is love…and sun and water and soil. ", "Eighth place is just the seventh loser. ", "If you want to know yourself better, ask your neighbors. Goal https://acnewleaf.fandom.com/wiki/Wart_Jr. You can't hit a mosquito with a horseshoe. Time spent with friends is time well spent! ", "Remember to keep your core muscles engaged! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Jump to navigation Jump to search. ", Yo-Yoing, Hitting Snooze, Shadow Puppetry (NL), "The players may change, but the music stays the same. Look at the world through rose-colored glasses. If you like what you have, then you'll have what you like! Kind of a cranky guy. A house without either a cat or a dog is a sad house indeed. This portion of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Guide explains everything you need to know about Wart Jr. including personality, birthday and apparel. His picture quote in Wild World is very similar to that of another villager, Roscoe. Ah, the life of a hunter. ", "Remember to see the forest between the trees. of them is the fake. Walt is a cranky kangaroo villager in the Animal Crossing series. The player can then determine the real Apple. Style ", "The hero is brave in deeds as well as words. Blanca will go to your villagers' houses one by one and pretend to be each villager. Template:New Leaf. Just go around looking ", "If you like what you have, then you'll have what you like! dislikes Ornate items.
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