You can & download or print using the browser document reader options. When B. I think this meal is disgusting. 2020 © Learners' Planet, All rights reserved. Conjunctions Worksheet-5  Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction: _____ I study hard, I shall not get good marks. /Annots [ 10 0 R ] 3. Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense … Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing consequence is needed; hence ‘so…that’ is used. endobj 4. Yippee! Call us: We won our first game! Some of the worksheets displayed are Interjections work, Interjections, Parts of speech, Interjection, Topic identifying interjections, Ab4 gp pe tpcpy 193603, Find the interjection, Name date p speech nterjections exercise 3. (Gee whiz is the interjection.) strong 4. /S /Transparency Because C. Or D. And, A. /F3 15 0 R Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing time is needed; hence ‘when’ is used. /Font << Either …… or B. a� "˙(. And … but B. Although C. Unless D. But, A. “Bravo” is the interjection and is also used as a way to congratulate the participants. Both …… and, C. So…… that D. Either…… or, A. 2. Oh no! >> >> %���� _____ ! Part I: In the following sentences, identify the interjection and circle it. But C. Or D. So, A. And B. Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction: A. Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing time is needed; hence ‘as soon as’ is used. /F2 8 0 R Ugh, I cannot wait for this class to end. Interjections Worksheet Interjections are words that express emotion. /MarkInfo << Answers will vary Write a sentence using a mild interjection. 1. 4 0 obj /Tabs /S You can find more lessons and worksheets on tenses here. /Image13 13 0 R Wow! /Resources << 3. /Lang (en-US) /GS7 7 0 R %PDF-1.5 Worksheet will open in a new window. Once you find your worksheet, click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download. strong 7. They are included in a sentence, usually at the beginning, to express a sentiment such as surprise, disgust, joy or excitement. /StructParents 0 But B. While B. >> << Explanation: Here the conjunction for joining equally important sentence parts is needed; hence ‘both…and’ is used. 2 0 obj 2. You must study hard _____ you want to score top marks. Yuck! No sooner …… than B. 1. Hitesh hurt himself ______ he fell from the stairs. /ExtGState << “Hi” is the interjection and is used as a greeting. 5. Explanation: Conjunction for condition is – if; hence this is used. And …… but B. Will you take care of our dog _____ we are away for the weekend. 3 0 obj 2. Unless B. In the English language, interjection is a word in a sentence that is used to express a sudden, strong or expressive sentiment. /Group << It's the pe /CS /DeviceRGB endobj My cousins arrived ______ we were in school. Interjections are considered as the least important part of the sentences because they are not grammatically related to any other part in the sentence. /Pages 2 0 R That was the best performance that I have ever seen, bravo! endobj >> >> The students stood up _______ the teacher entered the class. You can take a taxi ______ a bus to go to Shimla. /Kids [ 3 0 R 22 0 R ] >> /Contents [ 4 0 R 101 0 R ] He is ____ tall _____ he can easily reach the top shelf. Interjections Class 4 Worksheets - there are 8 printable worksheets for this topic. ______ we lost the match, we have not lost heart. << “Hmm” is the interjection and a verbalization of a … >> Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Interjections Class 4. /Type /Pages Hi, I'm glad that you could make it to my party. /Type /Catalog You forgot to call me back. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 9099920082/9099020032, Email us: If C. Though D. But. 4. Because C. Since D. Though, A. /Parent 2 0 R Because C. Though D. And, A. /F4 20 0 R While B. They are followed by either an exclamation point or a comma. 1 0 obj If B. strong 8. x���ܸ�� �Οb��Z���`�$wI�mл��`q(&�����v'M�H}˒�lI��x�Z,�4$EQ$ER�������|�={v�|����\^dgG��O��~�ty����v1_�.Go?�_a�/����ً�_f/N&G�x�Evzu0�Y����*��{ y��Ȯ&yv������l*Jx̤��kv����0�Y�sI�Ce��Ii��s!�V����r��3#�!ųy��� ��s!E�s����'�q�Jd\������ As well as, C. As soon as D. Although, A. This tenses worksheet is designed for students of classes 4 and 5. When C. So D. But, A. Either …… nor, C. Neither …… or D. But … and, A. You look great tonight. /Length 3150 /Type /Page /Filter /FlateDecode Oh! Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing ‘in the meantime’ is needed; hence ‘when’ is used. “Bah” is the interjection and shows disappointment. These Are Some Interjections: Oh, Great, Wow, Ouch, Hey, Please, and No. strong 5. Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing ‘in the meantime’ is needed; hence ‘while’ is used. Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing illogical consequence is needed; hence ‘though’ is used. Directions: Add an interjection to each sentence. /F1 5 0 R I’m just a kid, gee whiz, not a professional athlete. >> << /Marked true mild 6. It is grammatically not connected with any other part of … I missed the bus this morning! October 24, 2017. A. If                    B. Although      C. Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing opposite ideas is needed; hence ‘but’ is used. (Huh is the interjection.) Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing choice is needed; hence ‘either…or’ is used. stream >> Since B. And C. Or D. So, A. Either … or, C. Neither … nor D. Both … and, A. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] >> /Type /Group he PDF document contains 4 worksheets on interjections:Worksheet 1: Complete the sentence with an interjection.Worksheet 2: Underline the interjection.Worksheet 3: Complete the sentence with an interjection.Worksheet 4: Multiple-choice picking out the sentence with an interjection in it. Explanation: Here the conjunction for choice is needed; hence ‘or’ is used. “Wow” is the interjection and shows surprise. /Count 2 1. Well, that was an … _____ I study hard, I shall not get good marks. You may _____ eat a sandwich ____ some French fries. Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing condition is needed; hence ‘unless’ is used. Do not interrupt the teacher. Interjection- ANSWER KEY An interjection is a word used to express an emotion or feeling. _____ Mumbai ______ Delhi are developed cities. /Image11 11 0 R /StructTreeRoot 26 0 R << /XObject << _____ , what a wonderful time we had at the mall!
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