luke 23:34 studylight

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Many a man is consciously unworthy, because he feels himself a sinner who has no just sense of his littleness in the presence of God. Every Scripture is inspired of God, and is profitable yea, able to make us "wise unto salvation through faith that is in Christ Jesus." All that have their eyes opened see this to be at the bottom of the wickedness of the wicked, that they have not the fear of God before their eyes. The Roman soldiers jeered him as the King of the Jews: "A people good enough for such a prince, and a prince good enough for such a people." "Lord, remember me, and rule in me by thy Spirit." To put it in another way--he refused to take Jesus seriously. Materialism always is essentially infidel, though far from being, the only form of infidelity. The greatest sinners may, through Christ, upon their repentance, hope to find mercy. We have similar teaching elsewhere. However, these persons well knew that they were crucifying an innocent man; but they did not know that, by this act of theirs, they were bringing down on themselves and on their country the heaviest judgments of God. Two might be ever so closely knit together, but God would discriminate according to the nicety of His own discernment of their state: one should be taken, and the other left. He was now about to face death; first in spirit, then in fact. "And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. (Verses Luke 24:32-42.24.34.) Forbidding to give tribute to Caesar — These were the falsest slanders that could be invented. Here we find that Jesus, having been brought to the place physically, where He could no longer go around touching the blind eyes, touching the deaf ears, because His hands are now held fast to that cross. As they study, have students (1) identify what happened . Luke 23:34 — New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95) 34 But Jesus was saying , " Father , forgive them ; for they do not know what they are doing ." And they cast lots , dividing up His garments among themselves. People in those days did not carry clocks, and the times given in the Gospels are only approximate. Though Scripture was perfectly expounded by Jesus, and though hearts burned as they heard of these wondrous things, still it must be shown in concentrated form that the knowledge which alone can be commended by God or trusted by man is this Jesus known in that which brings His death before the soul. She must be hopeful too, and surely no church ever had a more hopeful sphere than the church of this present age. It is one of the tragedies of life that we place on people's graves the flowers we might have given them when they were alive. Nay, there is another end and aim from this. But it was truth that did not so directly build up the soul, nor did it so immediately concern the Lord Himself. (Compare Psalms 16:1-19.16.11; Psalms 31:1-19.31.24) It was the atoning One. The power that belongs to and comes out from God is but a small thing, in comparison with the knowledge of God Himself. For the result will be, that the conspiracy of many persons against us, when solitary and deserted, will not distress us beyond measure; as, on the other hand, daily experience shows how powerfully it acts in shaking weak persons, when they see themselves attacked by a great multitude. Oh, what joy, there is in this blessed assurance! It was as if the way to God's presence, hitherto barred to man, was thrown open to all. of prayer at all times "that men ought always to pray, and not to faint." One such, word, and they must have all fled. When a Persian king wished to do one of his subjects a very special honour he made him a companion of the garden which meant he was chosen to walk in the garden with the king. He was right; and Jesus replies with ineffable grace, and according to that style so worthy of God (compare Psalms 132:1-19.132.18), which not only answers the prayer of faith, but invariably surpasses it. If you rejoice that you are pardoned, show your gratitude by your imitation of Christ. Further, He opens their understanding to understand the Scriptures, and gives them their great commission, but bids them remain in Jerusalem till endued with power from on high, when He sends them the promise of the Father. I take for granted now that there is a firm hold of His bearing God's wrath on the cross. So here Jesus says to the converted robber, "This day shalt thou be with me in paradise" at once, by virtue of His blood, the companion of Christ in the garden of divine joy and delight. Now the cross of Christ is to some a savour of life unto life, to others of death unto death. THE JEWS' BLACKMAIL OF PILATE ( Luke 23:13-25 ). God has shown that His name is, as ever, a stumbling-stone for unbelief; but for the simple and spiritual a sure foundation, and most precious. It is finished and the great cry are, in fact, one and the same thing. Our Lord alludes prophetically to those tribulations which fell upon the Jewish people about forty years after. And he answered and said, [You said it] Thou sayest it ( Luke 23:3 ). "Finished!" The clothes of the criminal were the perquisites of the four soldiers among whom he marched to the cross. He looked upon the Lord merely as good after a human fashion. When the unforgiving spirit is threatening to turn our hearts to bitterness, let us hear again our Lord asking forgiveness for those who crucified him and his servant Paul saying to his friends, "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." Jesus take the place of a pleader, a pleader for those who. "It came to pass, that as he came nigh unto Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the wayside begging." Bar Bahluli apud Castell. His death did what even his life could not do; it broke the hard hearts of men. It is not that God did not accompany His message with signs. We read, "Wherefore He is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by Him." Pilate said to the chief priests and to the crowds, "I find nothing to condemn in this man." shows the personality of his prayer; but the first of the seven great cries on the cross has scarcely even an indirect reference to himself. That is why the women had only time to see where the body was laid and go home and prepare their spices and ointments for it and do no more, for after 6 p.m. all work became illegal. We see the people beholding, the rulers also with them sneering, the soldiers mocking with vulgar brutality, but Jesus dealing in ineffable grace with a justly crucified malefactor. Still farther to show its character, and His unimpeachable relation to God, as well as how really He was a suffering man, "there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. From the other Gospels we know it was when He went out of Jericho, not when He came in. Everything was in that order. It was so during His life and public ministry (and hence it figures in Mark so prominently). One contemporary scholar and authority on Spurgeon says of this work: "Next to Mr. Spurgeon's great literary work, The Treasury of David, we consider (these) Lectures to My Students his greatest single contribution to the Christian world. He even urges it as a “reason” why they should be pardoned, that they were ignorant of what they were doing; and though people are often guilty for their ignorance, yet God often in compassion overlooks it, averts his anger, and grants them the blessings of pardon and life. Christianity is based not on the work only but on the glory of the person and place of Him who is glorified in God. [2.] ( Luke 23:40 ). Matthew 27:33-43; Mark 15:22-32; John 19:18-24). Christ prayed for the wicked, what if I say the most wicked of the wicked, that ribald crew that had surrounded his cross! All then becomes right: he is brought into the light of God; he sees light in God's light. What would be God's judgment of man? Such is the invariable method of God in dealing with a sinful world, where He brings in, not a test of man, but the effectual work of His own grace. And these things to play on the emotions of the people, especially if it's a very shocking thing.I can imagine that to watch a man dying on a cross would be an extremely shocking thing to your psyche. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation." The veil of the temple was the testimony of how unapproachable God was to man. We keep for their obituary notices and for the tributes paid to them at memorial services and in committee minutes, the praise and thanks we should have given them when they lived. The difference between Luke and the others is this not that you have not the Jewish portion in his Gospel but that, moreover all the Gentiles are brought in. The charges before the Roman court was that of perverting the nation, seditious. And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel." And release Barabbas for us." And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice ( Luke 23:46 ), Luke doesn't tell us what He said, but the other gospels do. Now, the Lord Jesus did feel the traitor's heartless ways (and we may learn it yet more from Psalms 109:1-19.109.31.) "And they answered, and said unto him, Where, Lord? Is this your song? Christ is no careless advocate for his people. It is not necessarily a question of coming near, but simply of being in the neighbourhood. Though thou bray a fool in a mortar, yet will not his foolishness depart from him. Oh, the power of that word from the Son's lip. Thus Jesus sets forth the Only way in which He can be rightly known, or that can be confided in. The soldiers also mocked him, coming and offering vinegar to him, and saying, "If you are the King of the Jews save yourself." Maybe he kept silent; maybe he absented himself when he saw that he was powerless to stop a course of action with which he disagreed. But, in view of the Gentile calling, New Testament grace has here a happier task. See the notes at 1 Corinthians 2:8. Pilate asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" Nothing worthy of death is done unto him. (Judges 9:53, 2 Kings 9:35). But here we may pause for a moment; for there are special and profoundly instructive touches peculiar to Luke. They knew that the Christ was the chosen of God, designed by him, and dear to him. This implies that it was the fear of God which restrained him from following the multitude to do this evil. It is not surprising that the disciples at that time failed to seize His meaning. There remained the great outer robe. That is, while I am here, the light of the world . (1.) Jesus said, "Today you will be with Me in paradise.". Not that the Pharisee represents a man who denies God, or who is not a religious man. So this timid Joseph waxes valiant in fight. και. ), Luke then ushers in another scene, still more precious, peculiar in its details at least to himself the journey to Emmaus, where Jesus joins Himself to the two downcast disciples, who discoursed, as they went, on the irreparable loss they had sustained. But, in truth it is impossible to go on with God aright, until the personal question is settled by divine grace. Try to imagine the feelings of Simon. 3. Of course, they are not excluded from but exhorted to, the looking up to God, and using faithfully whatever means the Lord gave them. We owe it to Christ to resent every misinterpretation which goes to undo what He has done on the cross. God may, and does, bear with the wound to His own grace; and He has His way of correcting such wrong; but there is no ground in the parable to warrant what is too often founded upon it. These times are going on now. By this expression Christ gave evidence that he was that mild and gentle lamb, which was to be led out to be sacrificed, as Isaiah the prophet had foretold, (Isaiah 53:7.) But the words here are no expression of His suffering, as thus abandoned and atoning, but of the peaceful departure of His spirit, as man, into the hands of God the Father. Another proof of the immateriality of the soul, and of its separate existence when the body is dead. At the same time man, having a bad conscience and a depraved heart, slights God's word as well as kingdom, and looks for that which would please himself by gratifying his feelings, mind, or even lower nature. (1.) Thus the Jewish rulers jeered him as subdued by the Romans, instead of subduing them. That drink was offered to Jesus and he refused it. and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour ( Luke 23:44 ). His heart was filled with bitterness towards the Romans and towards this criminal who had involved him in his crime. But if God invites a believer now to draw near into the holiest of all, is it not equal presumption for that soul to quarrel with the grace of God displayed in Christ's work of redemption, and to raise questions about its effects for itself? "Father, that which I am now suffering and dying for is in order to this, that poor sinners may be pardoned." None of the Gospel writers dwelt upon the horrors of the terrible death; and perhaps their restraint should be a caution to all people. We owe it to Christ to resent every misinterpretation which goes to undo what He has done on the cross. "Daughters of Jerusalem," he said, "do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children, because--look you--days are on the way in which they will say, 'Happy are those who are barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts which never fed a child.' It was really the aristocratic, collaborationist Sadducees who achieved the crucifixion of Jesus, in their terror lest he should prove a disturbing clement and produce a situation in which they would lose their wealth, their comfort and their power. And Pilate, when he had called together the chief priests and the rulers of the people, he said unto them, You've brought this man unto me, as one that is perverting the people: and, behold, I have examined him before you, and I find no fault in this man touching those things whereof you accuse him: no, nor did Herod: for I sent you to him; and lo, nothing worthy of death has been done by him. 25. The old covenant which condemned was limited. From henceforth [not] ["hereafter,'' as in the A.V.] We went on to sin as young men; peradventure we plunged into, much wickedness. It was not a question of peace on earth now. We, know that now; and we could almost weep tears of blood to think that, we ever treated him as we did. His resurrection did not terminate their path of rejection. — If ignorance do not excuse a crime, it at least diminishes the atrocity of it. ), Then follows that most touching scene, peculiar to and characteristic of Luke Jesus weeping over Jerusalem. Some of you here are not saved. Men pass them over as if there was nothing for the soul in them, as if the Saviour Son of God condescended to a show, a pantomime, instead of enduring the severest conflict and anguish that ever had been the portion of a human heart on this earth. But see, the Lord Jesus began his prayer by pleading for others. Herod was one of the very few people to whom Jesus had absolutely nothing to say. It is always thus in grace. Each of them falls into the trap which they had made for Him. Spite of indifference, an unjust judge yields to the importunity of a poor widow. On the other hand, the poor publican has neither clear light nor peace, but at least he realises the commencement of all true light he has learned enough of God to condemn himself. 41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. As Paul is writing to the church in Rome, he said, "And greet Rufus, who is as my brother, and his beloved mother, who is as my own mother." Our Lord was at that moment enduring the first pains of crucifixion; the executioners had just then driven the nails through his hands and feet. In order to do this, a comma is placed after σημερον, to-day, and then our Lord is supposed to have meant, "Thou shalt be with me after the resurrection I tell thee this, TO-DAY." The parts of this section of Luke's Gospel that are unique are Jesus' prayer for His enemies ( Luke 23:34 ), the dialogue with the criminals ( Luke 23:39-43 ), and Jesus' prayer of self-sacrifice to the Father ( Luke 23:46 ). For what was in that cup? On the cross, as never before and never again, men saw the love of God. The God whom you have ignorantly forgotten is willing to pardon and ready to forgive. That is what they did with Jesus. 862.]. "And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen: saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest."(Ver. "We indeed justly; but this man hath done nothing amiss." "Satan hath desired to have thee, that he may sift thee as wheat; but I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not." In modern days they manage things both more prudently and more effectually. Each of them falls into the trap which they had made for Him. We used to think, some of us, that we had a, righteousness of our own. Father, Forgive Them (Luke 23:34) James J. Tissot, "The First Nail" (1886-1894), opaque watercolor, Brooklyn Museum. Christ to be innocent, and offers to release him, 13-20. It is the act and language of Him whose confidence was unlimited in the One He was going to. All the crowds, who had come together to see the spectacle, when they saw the things that had happened, went home beating their breasts. Immediately after (and, if I mistake not, expressly put in close conjunction with this) is the parable of the nobleman who goes into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. When he had said this he breathed his last. "This man hath done nothing amiss." It is not, as in the Gospel of Matthew, the Lord giving different gifts to different servants, which is equally true; but here it is the moral test of the servants carried out by each having the same sum. We are told in another gospel, "from the top to the bottom." But the day would come when the woman who had no child would be glad that it was so. "Lord, remember me, and prepare a place for me; remember me at death, remember me in the resurrection." "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they, What tenderness we have here; what self-forgetfulness; what almighty, love! (VersesLuke 23:27-42.23.31; Luke 23:27-42.23.31. So to Herod Pilate referred the case. In Gethsemane, when the bloody sweat fell fast upon the ground, his bitterest cry commenced with, "My Father," asking that if it were possible the cup of gall might pass from him; he pleaded with the Lord as his Father, even as he over and over again had called him on that dark and doleful night. Christ is led to Pilate, and accused by the Jews, 1, 2. It as said in Matthew and Mark that the thieves, even they that were crucified with him, reviled him, which some think is by a figure put for one of them, but others think that they both reviled him at first, till the heart of one of them was wonderfully changed, and with it his language on a sudden. (Luke 22:19-42.22.20.) And so they counted the number of sheep that were killed for the Passover at the time of Christ. He opposes payment of taxes to Caesar and claims to be Messiah, a king.". He does not say, "Father, forgive the soldiers who have. We were denying his love, or else we should, have yielded to him. He was now, as a priest, purchasing this happiness for them, and is ready, as a king, to confer it upon them when they are prepared and made ready for it. So in the Roman church there was Rufus, so choice a Christian that he could be called one of God's chosen ones, with a mother so dear to Paul that he could call her his mother in the faith. Our Lord was baptised in the spirit of prayer; he lived in it, it lived in him, it had come to be an element of his nature. us. This, I apprehend, is the clear meaning of His altered language here. I take it to be a token of great good that, as in early days, the person of Christ was not only the fiercest battleground and prime object of the final struggle of the apostles on the earth, but was the means whereby the Spirit of God wrought to give a deeper and deepening enjoyment of the truth and grace of God more profoundly searching, no doubt, but at the same time more invigorating for the saints), so no otherwise, unless I be greatly mistaken, is it now. Had the Jews officially reported either of these incidents there is little doubt that Pilate would have been summarily dismissed. And Jesus had nothing to say to him at all. He takes that place as man. Two other malefactors — Ἑτεροι δυο κακουργοι, should certainly be translated two others, malefactors, as in the Bibles published by the King's printer, Edinburgh. The birth, life and death of Jesus tore apart the veil which had concealed God from man. This is a mystery no longer and now, you will know the whereabouts of the lost isles of gold. Luke shows it as a question of the heart's state and trust in God. And Herod and Pilate became friends with each other that same day, for previously they had been at enmity with each other. Verse 31. Jesus said many wonderful things, but rarely anything more wonderful than, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." In modern days they manage things both more prudently and more effectually. He was well aware that to do so would be to betray that impartial justice which was the glory of Rome. Not in cold blood did the Saviour pray, after he had forgotten the injury, and could the more easily forgive it, but while the first red drops of blood were spurting on the hands which drove the nails; while yet the hammer was bestained with crimson gore, his blessed mouth poured out the fresh warm prayer, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Press forward as one man, my brethren, to secure the root of the matter in the forgiveness of sinners. If He was but a man there was no goodness in Him; it is only in God: God alone is good. There is a kind of ignorance that does in part excuse sin: ignorance through want of the means of knowledge or of a capacity to receive instruction, through the infelicities of education, or inadvertency. And when they came to the place which is called The Skull, there they crucified him, and the criminals, one on the right and one on the left. Country into the kingdom of God! only the more striking, because murder! 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